


1. 自我介绍

My name is …

I’m 13 years old.

I study at Beijing No.35 Middle School.

My favourite 作文一二三subject is… It’s …

I go to school by…every day.

I like doing…

I can…

2. My friend

My best friend is …

He is…years old.

He is tall and handsome.

He likes helping others.

He studies at…

His favourite subject is…

3. My family(介绍家人年龄,职业,爱好,喜欢的食物等等) There are three people in my family.

They are…

My father is …years old. He is a …

My mother is …years old. She is a …

My father likes… He often … His favourite food is… My mother likes… She often…Her favourite food is… We often go to …together at weekends.

I love my happy family.

4. My school

My school is Beijing No.35 Middle School. It’s …

There are ….in our school.

We often play … on the playground.

We have …classes every day.

Classes begin at… and school finishes at..

After school, we …

The teachers are strict with us.

My classmates often help me when I am in trouble.

5. Favourite food

My favourite food is…It’s …

I eat it almost every day.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

It makes me strong and healthy.

6. 写邀请信

Dear …,

Would you like to e to my birthday party?

It’s on… at…

Please e at ...o’clock.

7. My school day( Tony’s school day)

I get up at…

I go to school at …

Lessons star at …

We have …classes in the morning and …classes in the afternoon. I go home at…

After supper I do my homework.

Tony gets up at…

He goes to school at …

Lessons star at …

He has …classes in the morning and …classes in the afternoon. He goes home at…

After supper he does his homework.

8. Birthday presents

My birthday is on…

My mother often sends me …

My father usually gives me…

My uncle sometimes …

My friends never …

9. Favourite animal

My favourite animal is…

I love it because it is…

It es from…

It lives in…

10. Computer

My friend is Tony. He uses puter every day.

He often goes online.

He usually uses puter for his homework.

He sometimes play …listens to… downloads… gets information He thinks puter is …



1. 自我介绍

My name is …

I’m 13 years old.

I study at Beijing No.35 Middle School.

My favourite 作文一二三subject is… It’s …

I go to school by…every day.

I like doing…

I can…

2. My friend

My best friend is …

He is…years old.

He is tall and handsome.

He likes helping others.

He studies at…

His favourite subject is…

My family(介绍家人年龄,职业,爱好,喜欢的食物等等) There are three people in my family.

They are…

My father is …years old. He is a …

My mother is …years old. She is a …

My father likes… He often … His favourite food is… My mother likes… She often…Her favourite food is… We often go to …together at weekends.

I love my happy family.

My school

My school is Beijing No.35 Middle School. It’s …

There are ….in our school.

We often play … on the playground.

We have …classes every day.

Classes begin at… and school finishes at..

After school, we …

The teachers are strict with us.

My classmates often help me when I am in trouble.

3. Favourite food

My favourite food is…It’s …

I eat it almost every day.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

It makes me strong and healthy.

4. 写邀请信

Dear …,

Would you like to e to my birthday party?

It’s on… at…

Please e at ...o’clock.

5. My school day( Tony’s school day)

I get up at…

I go to school at …

Lessons star at …

We have …classes in the morning and …classes in the afternoon. I go home at…

After supper I do my homework.

Tony gets up at…

He goes to school at …

Lessons star at …

He has …classes in the morning and …classes in the afternoon. He goes home at…

After supper he does his homework.

6. Birthday presents

My birthday is on…

My mother often sends me …

My father usually gives me…

My uncle sometimes …

My friends never …

7. Favourite animal

My favourite animal is…

I love it because it is…

It es from…

It lives in…

8. Computer

My friend is Tony. He uses puter every day.

He often goes online.

He usually uses puter for his homework.

He sometimes play …listens to… downloads… gets information He thinks puter is …


1.who are you?

I am wang wei作文一二三>2.what star do you want to be?

I want to be the PE star.

3. why do you want to be the star?

Because it is fun. Dear Micheal,

I am wangwei, a seventh-grader from

Class 1.=I am in Class 1, Grade 7.

As a good language learner, I want to be the English star. English films and songs are just my cup of tea and I spend a lot of time on them.

Not only am I fond of English, but also I do a

quite good job in learning the language. I always get good grades in exams and win many awards when taking an active part in all kinds of petitions. That’s the reason why I want to be the English star.

I am looking forward to your reply and the good




816-2958.His birthday is on March 12th.His favorite subjects are English and music. He thinks they are interesting. His favorite fruit is strawberries,because they are good for his heal作文一二三th.

He has a school trip. It’s on September 16th.The basketball is on October 25th. He likes them very much. He has a brother and a sister. He often plays games with them after school.

二.假如Sonia是一个跑步明星根据她的个人档案写一篇英语短文介绍一下她。basketball. And she has a sports collection. She has eight volleyballs, five basketballs and four tennis bats. She likes bananas, carrots and hamburgers, but she doesn’t like ice-cream.



1. 不得在作文中出现学校的真实的名称和学生的真实姓名:

2. 注意时态运用,可进行适当的拓展。

Dear peter,

The English Day is on October 19th.We must talk with our classmates in English at school. Our school trip is on October 28th.I can play with my classmates. It’s really interesting .On November 1st we have an art festival. The soccer game is on November 20th,and the basketball game is on December 2nd.We also have a book sale in our school library on December 23rd. You can buy many good books                                                        Yours,                                                         Jane

四. My busy week

This week I am very busy, because I have many things to do. On Monday morning, I have English. I think it’s interesting. Then on Tuesday afternoon I have science. Next on Wednesday morning I have geography. It’s boring, but on Thursday afternoon I have music. On Friday afternoon, I have English .On

Saturday morning I go shopping with my mother. On Saturday afternoon I play football with my friends. What a busy week I have!

Wele to Jack’s Clothes Store! We have nice clothes at a very good price. Do you like sweaters? We have green sweaters for only ¥55. Blue sweaters are on sale for only ¥45. White sweaters are only ¥50. We have trousers in black and purple for only ¥35.For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only ¥35. For boys,we have hats in black and brown for only ¥15.Come to Jack’s clothes store and see for yourself.



I have a friend. His name is Li lei. His English name is Tony. He is a student. His birthday is on December 20th. He is 12 years old. He likes listening to music and playing basketball. He has a music class on Wednesday afternoon.On Friday afternoon he plays basketball with his friends. His favorite subjects are English and history. He thinks they are interesting.



Dear Emma,

How are you? I have a good eating habit. Every day I eat fruit and vegetables. I have vegetables for lunch. I have fruit after dinner. And I have milk every morning. I don’t have coke or coffee. They are not good for me. I like hamburgers, but they’re not healthy food. So I don’t eat them. Do you think my eating habits are healthy?


要求:1. 不少于40词。2.可使用下列提示词:thanks for, strict, interesting, play games, wish, happy and healthy.

Dear Miss Lee

Thanks for teaching us English so well. You are very strict in your work.You are funny and your classes are lively and interesting. We all like you and your classes. You are very kind to us. You often tell us stories and play games with us after class. I think you are our best friend. I hope you are happy and healthy every day.

With best wishes!

Yours                                                           Helen



1.今年寒假,你和父母到北京旅游。你们游览了长城、故宫、„天安门、北京动物园等景点,还买了烤鸭,玩得很高兴。请以“A good journey to Beijing”为题,写一篇70词左右的短文,让大家分享一下你的快乐。

A good journey to Beijing

My parents and I t to Beijing this winter holiday. We visited many interesting places.

The first day, we t to Tian‟anmen Square and the Great Wall. We took many photos there. The second day we visited the Palace Museum. The third day we visited Beijing Zoo. We saw many different kinds of animals there. My parents also bought some roast ducks in Wangfujing Street. We stayed four days and returned by train.  We had a good time in Beijing.

2.去年寒假你和家人坐飞机去昆明度假。那儿天空很蓝,空气清新。那儿的天气全年既不太冷也不太热,人们称它为春城。昆明有许多美丽的风景,其中一个著名的景点是石林。我们在那儿待了一周,虽然短但是我很高兴。(请根据提示词写一篇60词左右的短文。clean, neither , nor, Spring City, sightseeing, view, the Stone Forest, short, happy)

Last winter holiday, I t to Kunming with my family by plane.

Kunming is a beautiful city. The sky is blue and the air is clean. The weather there is great. It‟s neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. So people call it “ Spring City”. It has lots of beautiful sightseeings there, and one of the most famous views is “The Stone Forest”. We stayed for a week.

It was a short holiday but I felt very happy.

3.贝多芬(Beethoven)是德国伟大的作曲家,他虽然年轻时就耳聋,但却留下了许多不朽的名作,如:《月光曲》、《英雄》、《第九交响曲》等,请根据以下资料,以“The Composer Be作文一二三ethoven”为题,写一篇70左右的短文。

be born in Bonn, on December 16,1770

moved to Vienna and studied how to play music when he was young

something wrong with his ears in 1801 and couldn‟t hear anything in 1819

The Composer Beethoven

Beethoven was a German poser.

He was born in Bonne , on December 16, 1770. He moved to Vienna and studied how to play music when he was young. Soon he became very famous. Unluckily, there was something wrong with his ears in 1801 and he couldn‟t hear anything in 1819.

Where there is a will., there is a way. He kept writing music and finally became one of the gretest posters in the history of music.


primary school”为题,写一篇70词左右的短文,向大家描述一下你的小学生活。

My primary school

I was born in a small town.

Wenzhi Primary School was my first school. It was small, but very beautiful. There were only 23 students in my class. Liu Tao and Han Mei were my good friends. Ms Wei was my Chinese teacher and Mr Qi was my maths teacher. There were strict in their work, but very friendly to us. There was a small lake behind my school.  It was interesting to play there. I miss my primary school life.



下列词语供选用:last weekend, go on a school trip, climb the Great Wall, start, arrive at, return home, have a piic, see many wild flowers and green trees, be tired , be happy

Dear Sam,

Last weekend we t on a school trip. We t to the Great Wall. We started at 7:00 in the moring and arrive there at 9:00. While we climbed the Great Wall. We saw many wild flowers and green trees. On the top of the Great Wall there was a beautiful view. We had a piic there and we shared each other‟s food.

We were very tired but we‟re very happy.


]                                                      Betty


2014-2015七年级英语第一学期期末考试测试卷  班级:_________姓名:___________座号:__________评分:__________



A            B            C             D              E

1.____      2._____      3._____       4.______       5._____


(  )6.What is their English teacher doing?

A.He is reading a book.      B.He is reading a newspaper.

C.He is getting ready for the class.

(  )7.What is Betty eating for lunch?

A.Hot dogs .        B.Sandwiches .        C.Hamburgers.

(  )8.Where is the man ?

A.He is at a restaurant.      B.He is at home.

C.He is at school.

(  )9.Who is writing letter?

A.The man.      B.The woman        C.The woman’s son

(  )10.Where is Bob going ?

A.The restaurant.    B.The bus station.     C.The shop.


(  )11.A.music              B.games           C.films

(  )12.A.right               B.ride             C.write

(  )13.A.save               B.seven            C.send

(  )14.A.train               B.travel            C.trip

(  )15.A.in the morning       B.in the evening     C.at weekends


_____are our friends. We can find____kinds of animals. Some live in big forest(森林)and some live with man._____can do much work for people. Dogs can watch the houses. Cats are____favourite. They are very____.

16._______ 17._______ 18._______ 19._______ 20.________



(  )21.Juice is healthy drink__ cola isn't healthy drink.

A. but      B. and       C. so

(  )22.I am __English.And I 'm __English teacher .

A. /, an     B. an ,/       C./ ,/

(  )23.I like history __it's very interesting .

A. and      B. because    C.but

(  )24.He __play the piano but he __play it very well .

A. can , can't       B. can , can      C. can't , can

(  )25.--Would you like __drink ?

--Yes ,please .I want some __.

A. some ; orange    B. some ; oranges    C.any ;orange

(  )26.What __you usually __on Spring Festival ?

A.do ,do            B.are ,do          C.are ,doing

(  )27.Let's make a cake __Wei Hua.

A.to               B.in               C.for

(  )28.Everyone in my family usually __up early in the morning .

A.get               B.gets            C.getting

(  )29.She always __much money __clothes .

A.watches ,on        B.spends ,on       C.gives ,on

(  )30.Tom likes __books and __basketball .

A.read ,play         B.to read ,play       C.reading ,playing

(  )31.My grandparents live in Shandong .__home is in the countryside .

A.Her              B.Their            C.They

(  )32.Jack is __a green T-shirt today .

A.putting on         B.wearing          C.wearing on

(  )33.Would you like __the football match?

A.to go              B.go to             C.to go to

(  )34.The little boy enjoys __in the sun.

A.lieing             B.lying             C.liing

(  )35.We all like red ,because it can __us good luck.

A.make             B.give             C.bring


Hello,everyone ! I’m__China. Now I am __Japan(日本). I have a new friend. __name is Tom. He __from England. He likes China and __food. We have some__and hamburgers for breakfast. We have some vegetables,chicken and beef__lunch and din作文一二三ner. My__food is hamburgers. Bananas and oranges are my favourite__. Tom’s favourite food is hamburgers,___. We help each other.

(  )36.A.e          B.from             C.to

(  )37.A.at             B.in               C.on

(  )38.A.His            B.He               C.We

(  )40.A.a Chinese       B.China            C.Chinese

(  )41.A.egg            B.an egg            C.eggs

(  )42.A.at             B.to                C.for

(  )43.A.favourite       B.like               C.good

(  )44.A.vegetables      B.fruit              C.drink

(  )45.A.two          B.to                 C.too



Many people do not eat healthy food. If you don’t eat healthy food, then you are unhealthy.

Doctor Black from the People’s Hospital says that people need to eat many kinds of healthy food, in this order(按照这个顺序).

1.Rice and noodles.

2.Fruit, such as oranges, apples and vegetables, such as carrots, onions,tomatoes and potatoes.

3.Meat, such as pork, chicken, beef and fish.

Dr. Black says that people should not eat unhealthy food like hamburgers, candy or ice cream or have drink such as cola. Instead(而是)they should drink milk, juice or water.

So, to stay healthy and away from(远离)hospital, eat only healthy food!

(  )46.You should eat more__than fruit and vegetables.

A.beef           B.fish           C.rice

(  )47.___is not a healthy drink.

A.Milk          B.Cola          C.Juice

(  )48.Dr. Black advise(建议)people__.

A.to eat more meat           B.to drink more cola

C.to eat only healthy food

(  )49.To stay healthy, people should eat___.

A.rice, fruit, meat and fish     B.hamburgers and candy

C.noodles and ice cream

(  )50.onions is a kind of ___.

A.fruit        B.vegetable         C.meat


Today is Saturday. It is our cleaning day. The students of our class are cleaning our classroom. Marry is cleaning the door. She is standing on a chair. Tom and Bob are cleaning the windows. Some of us are sweeping the floor. Others are cleaning the desks and chairs. I am taking down the old pictures and putting up some new ones. Our teacher is in the classroom, too.  She is helping us to put the desks and chairs in order(整齐)

(  )51.What day is it today ?

A.Sunday          B.Saturday          C.Monday

(  )52.The students are ___.

A.standing on chairs            B.cleaning the classroom

C.cleaning the desks

(  )53.The teacher is helping us to ___.

A.put the desks and chairs in order

B.sweep the floor             C.clean the windows

(  )54.Marry is ___.

A.cleaning the door           B.cleaning the windows

C.sweeping the floor

(  )55.Why do the students e to school on Saturday ?

A.To study                 B.To clean the classroom

C.To lean English


Today is November 8th. It’s Linda’s birthday. She is twelve. Jim, Kate and Bill are her friends. There are things in the shop. They buy a big cake, two___(box) of color pencils, a pencil case and some exercise books. They want to buy two dolls for Linda, but the dolls are not cheap.


56.Linda’s birthday is on November_________.


They want to buy ________  __________   ___________.


They______  ______ to the shop near the school.

59.写出画线many 的同义短语:_____  ______


八.句型转换。(10分) . (对画线部分提问)

______  ______ is it today ? (对画线部分提问)

______  ______ they _______?

63.I am doing my homework.(改为一般疑问句)

______  ______  _____ your homework ? ______ is playing puter games. (对画线提问) ______  ______ your mother’s______ at Beijing International School?








Tom: Hi, Dad! Tom: I am visiting the summer Palace with my friends. Tom: He is taking some photos. Tom:They are buying some things for their parents. Tom: We like it a lot .

Dad: That’

Tom:See you later.







better eating habits. What we put in our mouths does bee a part of us. But we can look at this statement another way. What we eat reflects who we are--as people and as a culture. Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food. Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.

What is

chocolate chip cookies. It's true that Americans do eat those things. But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America?


Except for Thanksgiving turkey, it's hard to find a typically


As with any large country, the U.S.A has several distinct regions. Each re作文一二三gion boasts its own special style of food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style cooking. Journey through Louisiana for some spicy Cajun cuisine. Take a trip

to New England and sample savory seafood dishes. Travel through the Midwest,


Americans living at a fast pace often just

restaurants offer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. Microwave dinners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap. Of course, one of the most mon quick American meals is a sandwich. If it can fit between two slices of bread, Americans probably make a sandwich out of it. Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.


Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of


American culture is a good illustration of the saying



Unit 1 Making friends


要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。2. 60词。

One possible version:

Dear Mike,

This is my father. His name is Zhang Daqiang. Zhang is his family name and Daqiang is his first name. My father is 36 years old. He is a hotel manager. He likes playing basketball and swimming. He likes having bread and milk for breakfast. He is a good dad for me and a good husband for my mother. I love him.

Zhang Ling


提示:邮件应包括: 1.简单介绍一下你自己(姓名、年龄、家庭等)。 2.介绍一下你自己的爱好。 3.说一说你自己的梦想。

要求: 条理清晰,结构合理。 60词左右。

One possible version:

My name is Li Hua. I know you from your blog. I’d like to be your e-friend. I’m from China.

I’m eleven years old. I’m short and thin. There’re four people in my family: my father, my mother, my elder sister and I. My father is an engineer. My mother is a nurse. I learn that you love volleyball. I love it, too. I also like reading. I often read in my free time. So my dream is to be a writer. What about you?

Do you want to make friends with me? Email me soon.


要求:1. 内容完整、行文连贯、条理清晰。2. 60词左右。

One possible version:

My name is Li Dan and I’m thirteen years old. I’m a tall girl with big eyes from Shenzhen, China. I live with my parents and my grandparents in a flat close to my school. I like playing tennis. In my free time, I always play tennis in a park near my house. Do you know Li Na? She is a famous Chinese tennis player. My dream is to be a tennis star like her.     As an outgoing girl, I’m always glad to make new friends. If you love playing tennis and want to make friends with me, please email me at .

假设你们班在新学期开展了一次主题为 “如何与新同学交朋友” 的班会, 同学们在班会上各抒己见。请根据以下表格的内容提示,写一篇70词左右的英语文章, 总结此次班会中提到的一些交友方法。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

It’s good to make friends with new classmates in the new term. But how can we make friends with new classmates? Here are some ways. First, be friendly to the classmates. Always smile at them; help them when they need help. Second, learn and try to share things with them. Third, do not just talk about ourselves. We should learn to listen to others. Fourth, have some hobbies. We can easily make friends with new classmates having the same hobbies. Everyone needs friends. Good friends can give us help, hope and happiness. I hope we all can make good friends in the new class.

Unit 2  Daily life

每个人的生活习惯都不尽相同。那么,作为学生的你在学校上课日的生活是怎样的呢?请根据以下内容提示, 以 My school days为题, 写一篇80词以上的英语文章, 讲述你在上课日的日常生活, 并谈谈你的感受。文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

My school days

I have a regular life on school days.I always get up at 6:00 in the morning. And I go to school at 7:00. I go to school on foot every day. We have seven classes a day at school. I think

all the classes are interesting and I study hard. I often take part in after⁃school activities with my friends after school. Then I go home at 6 p.m. After I have supper, I do my homework. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

I always have a good time on school days. I feel happy about my school life.

张涵是深圳某中学的一名学生,她的英语老师要求她以“My daily life at school”为题,写一篇作文,介绍一下她自己的学校生活。请根据下面的时间表,帮张涵完成这篇作文。

My daily life at school

I usually go to school on foot at 7:00. Our morning reading begins at 7:30. We usually read for half an hour. We have four lessons in the morning. Our morning break begins at 9:30 and ends at 10:00. During the break, I will do eye exercises with my classmates together.       Our lunchtime is from 11:30 to 12:30. We have three lessons in the afternoon. School is over at 17:00. After school, I take part in many activities, for example, painting and playing chess. I go home at 19:00. I always have a good time at school.

Unit 3 The Earth

假如你是光明中学的学生张力, 最近你发现你们学校旁边的那条河流污染很严重。请根据以下内容提示, 给环保局写一封电子邮件, 反映该河流的污染问题, 并请环保局采取保护措施。词数80左右,文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

Dear Sir,

I am a student from Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you something

important. The river next to our school is seriously polluted. Many people throw rubbish into the river. Some factories put waste water into the river. As a result, the river bees very dirty. There were many fish in the river before. But the dirty water killed most of them and there are few fish in the river now.

It is very important for us to protect the river. If there is no clean river, the fish will all die. Would you please ask all the people not to pollute the river?

I hope you can do something to protect the river. And I am ready to help.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Li

请根据以下表格内容, 以 Protect theEarth为题, 写一篇80词左右的英语文章, 可适当发挥。文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

Protect the Earth

The Earth is seriously polluted. People pollute and waste water. The air bees dirty. Some animals died out. Some plants can’t grow well. People’s living environment bees worse because of the pollution. It’s time for us to protect the Earth.

Firstly, we shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Secondly, we should try not to use plastic bags. Thirdly, we should stop putting waste water into the river. Clean water is very important to us. Fourthly, we should stop cutting down trees and plant more trees.

I hope all of us can do something to protect the Earth. If we do it together, our home will be clean and beautiful again.


提示: 1. 举例说明目前环境存在的问题;2. 就如何保护环境提出合理性的建议(最少三条)。 How to protect the Earth

Our Earth is a beautiful place, but there’s lots of pollution. People put rubbish into rivers or seas. This pollutes the water. People throw away a lot of rubbish every day. This pollutes the land. People burn things and drive cars more. This pollutes the air.

Then what can we do to protect our Earth?

As students, the first thing we can do is to go to school on foot or by bike. When we go shopping, we can take our own shopping baskets. We can also use both sides of the paper when we write. If everyone can do their own part to protect the Earth, I think there’ll be less pollution and our life will be better.

Unit 4 Seasons

请根据以下提示,以“Seasons in my home town”为题,写一篇不少于60词的作文。   提示: 1. What are the four seasons like in your home town?

2. What do you like to do during the four seasons?

要求: 条理清晰,意思连贯。

Seasons in my home town

My home town is a beautiful place.

In spring, everything bees green. The grass es out and there are flowers everywhere. At this time, I like to spend time with my friends in the park. We often fly kites together.

In summer, it’s very hot. The Sun shines brightly. I don’t want to go out. I usually stay at home.

In autumn, leaves bee yellow and begin to fall. It’s cool. It’s nice to have a piic in autumn.

In winter, it snows a lot. I like to make snowmen with my family.

I love my home town. I love four seasons in my home town.

请以My favourite season为题, 用英语写一篇文章。

My favourite season is autumn. There are some reasons. First, it is a harvest season.    There are lots of delicious fruits in this season, such as apples, oranges, pears and so on. Second, we have the Mid⁃Autumn Festival and National Day in autumn. I like holidays. Lastly, the weather in autumn is usually cool and dry. It is nice to go on a piic at this time of year.

My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm and sometimes wet here in spring. And everything turns green. It is relaxing to see a green world outside. People usually wear T-shirts and shorts at this time of year.

I like to take a walk in the park with my parents during the season. Sometimes we also take a trip. On Tree Planting Day, we plant trees. It is nice to see the young trees grow well. We always have fun in the warm weather.

Summer is the second season of a year. Summer is my favourite season. In summer the trees are greener. The flowers are brighter. Summer is the season of the young. The weather作文一二三 is hot. I can wear my favourite skirt and light clothes. I can go swimming with my friends every day. I like swimming very much. I can enjoy the delicious ice-cream. The days are longer in summer. I have more time to do sports. I like ice-cream and sports, so I like summer best.

Unit 5 Visiting the Moon


要求: 60词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

One possible version:

school wants us to know more about the astronauts and space from the activity.

The activity will teach us something about space. Then it will provide us with chances to

talk with famous Chinese astronauts. Most of all, it will teach us how to wear spacesuits, how

In summer, it’s very hot. The Sun shines brightly. I don’t want to go out. I usually stay at home.

In autumn, leaves bee yellow and begin to fall. It’s cool. It’s nice to have a piic in autumn.

In winter, it snows a lot. I like to make snowmen with my family.

I love my home town. I love four seasons in my home town.

请以My favourite season为题, 用英语写一篇文章。

My favourite season is autumn. There are some reasons. First, it is a harvest season.    There are lots of delicious fruits in this season, such as apples, oranges, pears and so on. Second, we have the Mid⁃Autumn Festival and National Day in autumn. I like holidays. Lastly, the weather in autumn is usually cool and dry. It is nice to go on a piic at this time of year.

My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm and sometimes wet here in spring. And everything turns green. It is relaxing to see a green world outside. People usually wear T-shirts and shorts at this time of year.

I like to take a walk in the park with my parents during the season. Sometimes we also take a trip. On Tree Planting Day, we plant trees. It is nice to see the young trees grow well. We always have fun in the warm weather.

Summer is the second season of a year. Summer is my favourite season. In summer the trees are greener. The flowers are brighter. Summer is the season of the young. The weather is hot. I can wear my favourite skirt and light clothes. I can go swimming with my friends every day. I like swimming very much. I can enjoy the delicious ice-cream. The days are longer in summer. I have more time to do sports. I like ice-cream and sports, so I like summer best.

Unit 5 Visiting the Moon


要求: 60词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

One possible version:

school wants us to know more about the astronauts and space from the activity.

The activity will teach us something about space. Then it will provide us with chances to

talk with famous Chinese astronauts. Most of all, it will teach us how to wear spacesuits, how

to take a spaceship and how to live in space where there’s no gravity.

The activity is for all students, but if you want to join in, you should be strong and healthy. Also, your height should be between 1.4 metres and 1.8 metres.


I’m going to visit the Space Hotel in June, 2025. I’m very excited about this trip.

We have to wear a spacesuit so that we can breathe. It will take us a long time to get there in a spaceship. We will stay there for two days. On the first day, I’m going to watch the Earth in the Space Room. Then I will visit the Moon Garden and take photos there. At night, we’ll have dinner in the Star Restaurant.

After dinner, I’m going to watch a film about space in the Space Cinema. On the second day, I’m going to do exercises in the Sports Room and then visit the Space Shop. I will buy as many great things as I can and then bring them back.

It must be very interesting. I can’t wait!

假设你有一个到月球旅行的梦想。请根据以下图表的内容提示, 用英语写一篇80词左右的文章,介绍你梦想中的月球之旅。

I always dream of travelling to the Moon. I will take a spaceship to the Moon. It will take me about four days to get there. From the Moon, I will see the beautiful Earth and some bright stars. I am going to stay in a space hotel and enjoy some space food. It will be very interesting to walk on the Moon. I will bring some rocks from the Moon and put them in a museum on Earth. My trip to the Moon will be wonderful!

Unit 6 Travelling around Asia

假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Lily 将到广州旅行。请根据以下表格的内容提示,给Lily 写一封电子邮件,向她介绍广州,可适当发挥。


Dear Lily,

I’m glad that you will take a trip to Guangzhou.

There are many things to do in Guangzhou. If you love shopping, you can go to Beijing  Road or Teemall. There are also many places of interest in Guangzhou. If you love natural  beauty, you can go to climb the Baiyun Mountain.

If you go to Huacheng Square, you will see many tall modern buildings. And Guangzhou is famous for its traditional snacks. You must have a try!

I hope you will have a wonderful time in Guangzhou.


Li Hua

你们班要举行一个以“我的暑假”为主题的班会。请根据以下表格的内容提示,在班会上向你的同学介绍一下你暑假的广州之旅。词数:90 左右。题目、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Joe,

Guangzhou is a wonderful place to visit If you enjoy shopping, you can go to Beijing Road and Shangxiajiu Road. There are expensive shops and cheap ones there. If you like delicious food, you can try the morning tea. It’s one of the best leisure activities in Guangzhou. If you love sightseeing, you can go on the go to Chimelong Paradise. There are many exciting games for you!

I hope you will have a wonderful time in Guangzhou.


Yang Hai

请根据以下表格的内容提示, 用英语写一篇80词以上的文章, 介绍上海这座城市的基本情况, 可适当发挥。

参考词汇: 东方明珠塔 the Oriental Pearl Tower; 风景 scenery

Shanghai lies in the east of China. It is one of the biggest cities in China. In spring, it’s warm in Shanghai. In summer, it is hot and wet, and there is much rain. It’s cool in autumn and cold in winter. There are many places of interest in Shanghai, such as the Bund and the Oriental Pearl Tower. There are many old buildings along the Bund. The lights there light up the sky at night. It is very beautiful. If you stand on the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower, you

can see lots of beautiful scenery.

Unit 7 School clubs

假设你是Jeff,是你校篮球社的一员。 新学期开始了,你的社团需要招募一些新成员,请你根据下面表格内容,写一篇作文,向大家介绍一下你的社团,并鼓励大家踊跃报名。 要求: 结构合理,条理清晰。 60词左右。

Boys and girls,

Hello! I’m Jeff. I’m a member of the Basketball Club. The new term is beginning. Our club needs some new members. Now I’ll tell you something about our club.

Every Friday afternoon, our club members get together on the playground. Mr Brown is the teacher.

He will teach us some basketball skills. Last week, our club members watched some basketball videos and talked about some ideas. Next week, we are going to hold a basketball match.

We only need students in Grade 7. We hope everyone can join us.

That’s all. Thank you.

假设你是Peter Woods。今天,你在学校看到徒步旅行社拟招收新成员的海报。你和你的好朋友Sam都对徒步旅行很感兴趣。请你根据以下提示内容,给你的好朋友Sam写一封邮件,邀请他和你一起参加徒步旅行社。

注意:1. 词数不少于60词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 根据内容要点可适当发挥,注意语句要通顺、连贯。

3. 参考词汇:户外生存 outdoor survival The Hiking Club in our school is going to take in some new members. Both you and I are interested in hiking. So I write to ask if you can join the club with me.

The Hiking Club weles all the students. Mr White is the teacher. He will teach some outdoor survival skills.

The club members usually meet on Saturdays and Sundays at the school gate. We can make

friends and keep healthy if we join it. Last month, the club held the Mountain Climbing Competition. Next week, the club members are going hiking for 10 miles in the woods. Do you want to join the club?

If you want to learn more about the club, please call 672-0210.

假设今天你和你的同学参加了由摄影社举办的一次活动。请根据以下表格中的信息, 把今天的活动写成一篇日记, 可适当发挥。词数70以上。

Sunday, 27 December Sunny

Today, the Photography Club held an activity in Guangzhou Library. I took part in it with my classmates. After we got there, we first attended a lecture. In the lecture, the teacher taught us how to take good photos.

Then we t to visit the photo exhibition. There were photos of all kinds of animals on show, such as monkeys, lions and butterflies. It was wonderful to see these amazing photos. We all felt excited because we learnt a lot about photography.

假设你去年加入了英语俱乐部, 该俱乐部对你很有帮助。请根据以下内容提示, 谈谈你在英语俱乐部的活动和收获, 可适当发挥。词数70左右。

I joined the English Club last year. The club was very helpful to me. The foreign teachers at the club taught me how to learn English well. There were a lot of English books and newspapers at the club. I often read there in my free time. I also saw English films and talked with foreign teachers at the club. Last summer, I visited Britain with other club members. I learnt about British culture during the trip.

Unit 8 Collecting things

你和你的朋友 Mary、 Jack 有着不同的兴趣爱好。请根据以下表格的内容提示, 写一篇70词以上的英语短文, 介绍你们的兴趣爱好及相关情况, 并谈谈你的看法。文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

Mary and Jack are my friends. We three have different hobbies.

I like making model planes. I want to be a pilot when I grow up. Mary is interested in collecting stamps. Now she has over 300 different stamps. She often shows her beautiful stamps to others. Jack’s hobby is playing puter games. He knows that playing puter games too much is bad for his eyes, so he spends only an

hour playing them every day. I think everyone should have a hobby because we usually feel happy and relaxed

when we do the things we like.

假设你是Lucy。请根据以下表格的内容提示,写一封信给你的笔友Annie, 向她介绍一下你的爱好—集邮。词数70左右,需适当扩展。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Annie,

I’m glad to learn that you love collecting coins. In fact, I love collecting stamps in my free time. I started to collect stamps when I was in Grade Four. Now I have more than 200 stamps from different countries. I got most of them from my pen-friends. They are beautiful and interesting. Some stamps are with lovely animals on them, some have famous places or people on them, and some tell us funny stories. I learn a lot from the stamps.

By the way, when will you have your winter holiday?





1. When did you start your collection?

2. How big is your collection? How do you get them?

3. Which is your favourite poster?

4. What can you get from your collection?

I started collecting them when I was 11 years old. My aunt brought me a poster of the film Sissi when she travelled. Then I became interested in collecting film posters. This is also my favourtite poster. Until now, I have collected over 100 posters. I get most of them from my pen friends. I learn a lot from my collection. I know about many films and stories behind

them. So I plan to start a Film Club to let more people love films. I’m sure I will be successful.


I love collecting stones in my free time. It makes me feel really relaxed. I started collecting them six years ago.

Now I have over 200 stones. They are different in colours and sizes. I keep all of them inside a big box.

My favourite stone is a brown one. It looks as big as an egg. I remember I found it near a river.

Next week, I will go to the mountains with my family. I hope I can find some interesting stones there.










































眼看期末考试的脚步声渐渐临近,老师们如同热锅上的蚂蚁团团转。每天都紧张地做卷子与复习,在家里,我也为自己制定了一套精密的复习计划。有了它,期末一百分肯定OK! 我先准备搬出那一套虽老却实用的《考试秘籍》、《百分一点通》、《期末冲刺一百分》,每天坚持做两大张,不论有多么艰辛。有时已深夜十一点,我还在“埋头苦做”,弄得我疲惫不堪。可我坚信,只要比别人多付出“辛苦”,就能得到比别人多收到“工钱”。





这个学期结束了。在这个学期里,老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血,我们也为自己的学习洒下了许多辛勤的汗水。这次期末考试,我的每门功课,都取得了比较好的成绩。 总结这个学期的学习,我想,主要有以下几个方面:










“孩子,大早起来干吗呢?”妈妈问我,“当然是复习了,下周就要考试了!”我不耐烦地回答。妈妈依然温和地说:“别复习了,你平时基础扎实,不会考不好的!我陪你去公园玩会儿吧!”虽说我怕考不好,但一听出去玩,也顾不上那么多了!跟着妈妈高高兴兴地来到了公园。 “看,这红柱子真粗,假如它真的直径为30厘米,它的周长呢?”“是„„3.14*30„„是94.2厘米!”我不假思索地说。“嗯,„„不错!看那白杨树,你给我说些词语形容它吧!”妈妈又问我。“生机盎然,高大挺拔,密不透风„„”我一口气说出了十几个。不知不觉,一个下午过去了。妈妈又让我用英语向大家介绍我的一天。“TodayI’mgoingto„„”我用流利的英文介绍了我的一天。

“好样的,这下考度没问题了!”噢,原来这次妈妈带我来公园,既放松了我的心情,又让我增长了知识呀!妈妈说:“别害怕,考试没那么可怕!”我对考试的惧怕一下子消失的无影无踪了!其实考试也不是我想象中那么恐怖,只要我们好好对待它,它还会给你一份意外的惊喜,让我们微笑面对考试,享受学习的乐趣,不要把它当作过关,而是一种自我挑战吧! 期末考试反思作文800字(篇4)

不要对自己失去信心,虽然我这次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的实力。下一次考试,我一定会努力的。 这次语文考试没有考好。我要深刻反思。

首先,要学会审题。 我要改掉考试不细心读题目的坏习惯。有时候我往往看着题目前面就顺手把后面的问题写上了,但是却错了很多这也和答题技巧有关系。正确的答题首先需要认真审视题目。不应该文章匆忙看一遍就答题。而应该是 先看一眼题目,把题干和题眼找出来,画上横线,圈出中心词语,反复斟酌,然后再看文章。针对题目看文章,就有了目的性,在文章当中找出相应的段落,画出相应的语句,看是否吻合题目的要求。最后组织语言,回答问题。通过以后的练习,我一定要在考试的过程之中认真审题,自习读题,把题目看准、看好。时间允许的时候要多检查几遍,绝对不允许自己再犯类似于这样的无谓的错误。 第二,要多做各种题型。平日大家都聚在一起做一样的题目,感觉不出来有什么明显的差异。可是一当考试,才发现原来那么多考试题目是我从来看都没看过的。只怪自己买的练习题做的少。不能允许自己再继续这样下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,从这次考试之中汲取教训,增加力量,为下一次考试做好准备,打好基础。考试技巧贵在练习。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的复习计划 ,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。平日生活学习中学会积累,语文需要积累好词好句,寄来作文素材,积累答题技巧,给自己订一本错题集也是不错的方法。

第三,调整考试心态。语文是国语,我们没有学不好的理由。但往往,因为对这门学科的熟悉与轻视,我们会大意失荆州。本次考试我就是这个情况。今后我要做到: 战略上藐视,战术上要高度重视。


