急求牛津大学简介英文翻译 30分
Oxford University was established in the 13th century, one of the world's top ten universities, to the beautiful university city known around the world, fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland that is as the background for the story. Oxford e搐erywhere in the Gothic spire beautiful building, it is "steeple of the city". Oxford University is the UK's first national university, and encouraged many of the top outstanding personalities. The school contains 36 colleges, in addition to their different architectural features, each Institute is an independent teaching institution, providing students with academic and life guidance. The University has more than 30 colleges, all unique. Oxford University courses, whether arts or science, you can obtain a BA degree or equivalent with an honors degree, students pick their own by the instructor, after three years of study, a bachelor's degree. In recent years, Oxford also has a combination of two or more subjects in subjects such as philosophy and mathematics, classical literature and modern literature, fully embodies the contemporary academic multi-angle, multi-edge, trend and needed trends in resource sharing .
牛津大学特点英语简介 短一点
About Oxford University
Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000.
Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.
Oxford University is a member of the Russell Group of 19 research-intensive universities.
Oxford University was established in the 13th century, one of the world's top ten universities, to the beautiful university city known around the world, fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland that is as the background for the story. Oxford everywhere in the Gothic spire beautiful building, it is "steeple of the city". Oxford University is the UK's first national university, and encouraged many of the top outstanding personalities. The school contains 36 colleges, in addition to their different architectural features, each Institute is an independent teaching institution, providing students with academic and life guidance. The University has more than 30 colleges, all unique. Oxford University courses, whether arts or science, you can obtain a BA degree or equivalent with an honors degree, students pick their own by the instructor, after three years of study, a bachelor's degree. In recent years, Oxford also has a combination of two or more subjects in subjects such as philosophy and mathematics, classical literature and modern literature, fully embodies the contemporary academic multi-angle, multi-edge, trend and needed trends in resource sharing .
牛津大学介绍 英文版
The University of Oxford is a university located in Oxford in the United Kingdom. It is the oldest university of all those in countries where English is the people's first language.
The university consists of 38 colleges and another 6 "private halls". All of these colleges have their own buildings and their own staff, making Oxford quite different from most modern universities where all the students live on a "campus". Oxford does not have a campus, although it does have some central places where students from different colleges can come together either to study (for example, libraries) or to enjoy themselves (for example, the Oxford Union).
Many people who study history think that there was a university in Oxford in the 11th century, and the University of Oxford grew bigger in 1167, after English students studying in Paris, France were not allowed to continue studying after the murder of St Thomas Becket by King Henry II of England. There were fights between the students in Oxford and the people who lived there in the early 13th century. Some students and teachers left the university in 1209, and made a new university in Cambridge. These two universities are now great rivals, and together are sometimes known as "Oxbridge".
Until 1920, women were not allowed to take degrees at Oxford, although some women studied at Oxford before that time. Nowadays all the colleges allow both men and women as students, and......余下全文>>
English introduction and Chinese translation of University of Oxford
古雅、宁谧和纯朴,是牛津留给访古者最初印象。牛津大学城(The University City of Oxford) 是在伦敦西北方,路程约六十英里。
这样风光如画的景色,其本身便成为观光的对象,一年四季,各国来的游客,穿梭在古旧的巷 之间,热闹的音乐及戏剧活动,更吸引了无数艺术爱好者。静静地站在教堂墓园边的街角,整个城镇呈现是一幅历史和现代文明,相互交融的宁静景色。
牛津与剑桥二校享誉全球,其地位之特殊除渊源於英国上层社会,另外历史悠久与独特的学制,在英国社会里牛剑(Oxbridge)一词即代表二校的简称。在牛津大学八个世纪的历史中,确实造就了无数优秀人才。在政界更有十三位英国历代首相,来自牛津,甚至当代的柴契尔夫人,也是。牛、剑虽然齐名,但二校互不称臣,这也反映了大不列颠王国(Great Britain) 英国子民一般「高傲」心态的评语。牛、剑两校每年一度的划舟比赛,更是证明强弱高低的写照。
牛津大学的组织,相当复杂而难懂。这主要「大学」一词,对牛津人而言,有异於我们一般所了解的涵意。英国人称之「牛津大学城」(The University of Oxford),才符合事实。在牛津的地图上,我们找不到一个大学校园的固定地界,倒是散见各区不同学院。在牛津,若要问:「牛津大学在那 ?」,必定没有人答得出来。英国人,一提起牛津时,要把头抬高,仰起脸,庄重地念着「Ox-Ford」,那个O字要圆而重,才能表示尊重,才是对学术的敬意。
毫无疑问,牛津大学是现存人类历史上最早的大学之一。有的历史学家说,默顿学院(Merton College)是最早的学院;亦有人说,大学学院(University College)才是大学的滥觞。不管哪一种说法正确,都无损于今日由46个学院所组成的牛津大学在学术上的崇高地位。目前牛津大学是由三十九所学院及由教会设立的七所永久私人学院(Permanent private halls)合组而成。学院也不按专业划分,但在发展过程中,各个学院渐渐形成了各自的特点。比如,基督教堂学院(Christ Church)以浓厚的贵族气氛著称;默顿学院(Merton College)出了不少诗人;圣埃德穆学院(St Edmund Hall)特别喜欢招收运动员;奥列尔学院(Oriel College)侧重......余下全文>>
Oxford University was established in the 13th century, one of the world's top ten universities, to the beautiful university city known around the world, fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland that is as the background for the story. 。