

The difficulties young Chinese university graduates have had in finding a job over the past few months have been making the headlines in the media and causing concern throughout society. Education professionals in China have all had something to say about it. A good number of them, referring to the current phase of social transition in China, have come out in favour of the mass education programme that has been practised in recent years in Chinese universities. Others have raised doubts about the reliability of the figure of only 70% as the rate of employment for new graduates, which they consider to be alarmist. In fact, according to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Education itself, out of the 2.12 million graduates in the general higher education sector in 2003, 640,000 had not signed a work contract by the end of their studies In these circumstances, it is understandable that in the current labour market in Shanghai, for example, new university graduates are settling for a monthly salary of 1,200 yuan, slightly more than double Shanghai’s minimum wage, at the same time as they are having to face significant overheads (superannuation, unemployment insurance, health insurance, etc.). If we take into account the cost of living in Shanghai (including accommodation, transport and telecommunications), it would appear that the salary of these graduates is barely enough to cover their basic needs . The purpose of this article is to better understand the curre......余下全文>>

二:关于 大学生就业的英语作文


How to Solve the Employment Problem of College Students

As more and more students graduated from universities and colleges, youth employment is becoming a problem in our society. Nowadays, many young people are having a hard time finding jobs. They often faced the "No experience, no job - no job, no experience" dilemma.

To solve the problem of youth employment, I think the government should take some measures to help college students who are finding their jobs. The government should work with the employers and organizations, such as fund them to help those students obtain career information, develop skills, find good jobs and stay employed. In addition, the employers should provide opportunities for students to get their first work experiences and develop their skills and potentials. What's more, the employers should also provide assistance for those who face barriers to employment and help them to get and keep a job.


三:求一篇关于大学生就业难的英语作文,500词,在线等,感激不尽。 10分


It is very controversial that how population growth in China affects the society. The most direct effect is on the size of the labour force:A large population means more workers to produce goods and services. At the same time, it means more people to consume those goods and services. Beyond these obvious effects, population growth interacts with the other factors of population in ways that are less obvious and more open to debate, such as the traffic jam,the worse situation of living, and the diminishing living space. An ever-increasing population would continually strain society's ability to provide for itself. As a result, mankind was doomed to forever live in poverty. Many economists worried about the effects of population on the use of natural resourses. High population growth in China reduces wealth per worker because rapid growth in the number of workers force the capital stock to be spread more thinly. In other words, when population growth is rapid, each worker is equipped with less capital.

Countries with high population growth have large numbers of school-age children. This places a large burden on the educational system, It is not surprising, therefore, that educational attainment tends to be low in countries with high population growth.

Although rapid population growth is not the main reason that less developed countries are poor, so to reduce the rate of population growth would help these countries raise their stand......余下全文>>


About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after their graduation. But now, things are different. Today's university students usually have much pressure in finding fairly good jobs. They always say disappointedly that graduation means jo恭lessness. Why nowadays university students have so much pressure in finding jobs?

In my opinion, this kind of pressure is mainly caused by three reasons. Firstly, the government is enrolling more and more university students year by year. And the growth of the students' number has surpassed that of the need of the society. So, when so many students graduate at a time, the chance of finding jobs becomes tiny. Secondly, today's university students, most of them are the "only-child", who are more mentally frail. Since they are indulged greatly at home and haven't been trained to do things on their own, once it is their turn to go out of the campus and find jobs by themselves and decide what kind of jobs to choose, they feel bewildered and don't know what to do. If their first try fails, they will be frustrated and think that it is really hard to find jobs. Thirdly, some university students are not qualified for good and challenging jobs. After entering the university, they don't study as hard as they did in high schools. They begin to sleep during the class or even be absent for classes. Some are addicted to computer games or Jin Yong's novels, or step into ......余下全文>>

