

个人认为 ,但是要买这个的学生很多 谭剑波的《考研英语(二)写作考前冲刺万用模板》考研党们都叫这本书叫 万用模板,挺不错的,你可以在在文都书城 或者天猫北京世纪文都图书直营店 都可以买到,这两个是文都的直营店,正规渠道不会有盗版



四,我们要注意, we may safely draw the conclusion that…,因为… 1

3, it would be better if. 这可能是因为..As the proverb says., we should pay attention to,....

6 .. 最后我要说…


4...Further.。. 但遗憾的是… it’s a pity that…,



7 .But its a pity that....Therefore..Take … for example..从中我们可以得出这样的结论

8. Therefore. 坦率地说. 一个典型的例子是,我们坚持认为, we hold opinion that..As far as .结尾句型

1.Nothing is more important than the fact that, we have the reason to believe that..:就我而言 As far as I concerned 2 It can be said with certainty that, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below.遗憾的是, 可以用来引用名言名句

4 ,,在我看来..在我看来;statistics/..正如上面所提到的… (可以用来对前面所说的话进行补充说明)

10. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that ….举例句型

1... 更重要的是…

二.It has to be noticed that...Its likely that .. +从句 可以肯定地说.Similarly.. Some people think that …,. In spite of 尽管

6 .Its generally recognized that... I believe the title statement is valid because….+名词或者动名词 ., 正如谚语所说的., the difficulty lies in.,我们可以得出结论…


5 In spite of the fact that.... 我认为这个论点是正确的.通过以上讨论.

9 As it has been mentioned above, in my opinion,所以……) 4 ,无可否认

9 . 这是很难的.From what has been discussed above..,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下;figures lead us to the conclusion that…,困难在于…

8.However.... 没有什么比这更重要的是…

10 .The data/.它可以有把握地说. 8种实用句型

一...通过数据我们得到的结论是. 此外....All things considered.From my point of view.Its hardly that.然而,总而言之 = In a word=In conclusion

It may be safely said that,+句子 ( 然而问题并非如此简单. 它必须注意到.. Here is one more......余下全文>>

三:求英语作文的万能模板,不要网上发的,最好是自己或者老师整理的。要记叙,观点类,现象类等比较常考的。 100分

Nowadays, “1”has become a matter of great concern of the general public in our society, especially for those who are confronted with this problem. There are, as is vividly depicted in the picture, 2 . 3 .This is something we should give more thought to.

The picture are thought-provoking, and what it illustrate is a common phenomenon in today's society: ④ . ⑤ . Hence, ⑥ , as is shown in the picture given above.

Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measur to improve the situations. In the first place, us should to appeal to government to set up a foundation toward those who do much to protect forest resources ⑦. second, those who cut down trees in a forest a random⑧ deserve to be punished by the law. Last but least ,it is necessary to encourage city-residents to plant as many trees as possible in and around the city⑨.We are looking forward to a much better and brighter future.


Last Sunay, I went to the zoo and Sam.8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages. Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus. The weather was good, a lot of people go to the zoo, we decided to walk to the zoo. Along the way, we tell each other stories, unknowingly went to the zoo. In the zoo, we saw an elephant show, shut the variety of wildlife, spent a happy and meaningful day.

