1877年(明治10年)6 月,自由民权运动的代表人物冈健吉向天皇提出国会设立建白书,阐明自由民权运动纲领,抨击政府弹压言论自由等现象。随之,请愿运动出现高潮。1880年3 月爱国社在大阪召开第四届大会,代表32 县8700人的代表114 人出席,成立「国会期成同盟」,直接向天皇请愿要求开设国会。当时,元老院、太政官均拒绝受理国会开设运动提出的请愿书,理由是请愿不是建白,不符合建白受理规则。针对此事,自由民权运动的另一重要人物植木枝盛在《爱国志林》上发表文章论证「请愿的权理」。为镇压民众请愿运动,政府于1880年4 月制定集会案例,将一切集会结社的批准权置于警察的专断下,从而进一步激化矛盾。同年,建白和请愿件数剧增,达到 75件,是1867年以来件数最多的一年。同年11月,国会期成同盟在非合法的情况下于东京召开第二届大会。此时盟员已发展到13万人,形成强大的推动政治体制改革的力量,终于迫使天皇于1881年发布开设国会颁定宪法的诏敕。
Martin Luther King est le célèbre dirigeant(chef或leader也行)du mouvement afro-américain des droits civiques.
四:法语“马丁路德金是著名的美国民权运动领袖” 怎么说
Martin Luther King est le célèbre dirigeant(chef或leader也行)du mouvement afro-américain des droits civiques.
五:谁能帮我写一下美国民权运动的 起因,经过,结果的 文章!最好用英文! 100分
In March,1963,person and so on golden pastor organized thedemonstration in the south racial segregation extremely seriousBirmingham,the request to cancel the entire city isolation system.The demonstration populace receive the brutal suppression,but becausegolden pastor's persisting is compelled with the US federal state tocarry on the intervention,this city racial segregation system iscompletely cancelled.
After Birmingham event,civil rights movement troop rapid expansion.On August 28,1963 organized 250,000 people (1/4 for Caucasian) tomarch to Washington,the request employment,the request "was freeimmediately".Moreover,some cities blacks also develop to theviolence cope with the violence the struggle.In 1964 forced L.B.President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".But south ZhuZhoureng used each technique to prevent the black voter registration.Thereupon,the golden pastor and so on carries on the black voterregistration movement in the racism extremely rampant Alabama stateSelma city,and braved in March,1965 the danger which beat,kills bySelma to state capital Montgomery to march,the final attendantamounted to 150000.Condemns front the world people,the Americangovernment to in the same year in August requested Congress to pass"Voter To ascend Notation".
South the above two law have not been able actually completely tocancel the racial segregation and the discrimination system,but northin fact racial discrimination also has in......余下全文>>