故事从非洲的金字塔被盗开始。基本剧情很简单,在一个被白色的栅栏和玫瑰花丛。围重绕的愉快的街区附近,坐落着直一个带着荒芜的草坪的黑房子。邻居们并不知情,在这所房子下面隐藏着一个巨大的藏身之处。在一些忠实的奴仆的支持下,格鲁正策划着历史上最大的一个阴谋――盗取月亮。格鲁(史蒂夫•卡瑞尔 配音)兴奋的进行着准备工作,为这个计划装备了一支看起来很强大的军队,他们装备了收缩射线,冰冻射线,以及陆战、空战设备。正当他信心满满之时,意外发生了,他遇到了三个可怜的女孤儿:玛戈、伊迪丝和阿格蕾丝,三个小家伙缠上了这个世界上最邪恶的人不愿离开,该尝试做一个父亲的角色?还是继续偷月计划?格鲁陷入了纠结的状况中…
频频爆出的笑点,又比如温馨感人的场面,但我想这都不是这部电影成功的主要原因。这只是一个简单的故事,就像《三个猫咪》一样的简单童话,坏人变好,再打败坏人解救了好人。故事很圆满,和所有的童话故事一样。 就连出片尾字幕时那些几乎要跳跃进观众群的机器黄色小胶囊都没不会让你忍心离开,那还等什么呢?为这部电影鼓掌吧!
《神偷奶爸》绝对是环球动画第一炮,也给这两年的环球动画长了脸。结局很圆满,和所有的童话故事一样。 其实我们都爱童话,只是长大后忘了而已。而格鲁偷的那个月亮,我倒更相信是送给三个小女孩的。
Gru is a really good father of the minions and the girls in the show ' Dispecable me'.He was recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal.He was a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme but later in the end he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better.This movie touched my heart as much as it did my laugh box.It gives me the intention of continue watching the show and really curious about the end.This show is a great movie which is funny and touchy at the same time
Wednesday afternoon we watched the movie "despicable me 1", is about: who wants to steal the moon, but the shrink ray gun Victor was robbed. He saw Victor like cookies, he adopted the kids to sell cookies, to get the kids to sell cookies for Victor. While Victor eat biscuits, Anglo to shrink ray gun to steal back, and then with the shrink ray gun to shrink the moon stole the moon. Victor know after several children Georgia adoption away, let the grove with the moon in exchange for children. Gru put the moon directly to Victor, but Victor did not take the child back to him. The little yellow man help open the spacecraft, the Anglo Victor with rope door open to let the child down the spacecraft from the Victor spacecraft, successfully rescued all the children in the small yellow under the help of the people. The child said: don't ever leave Georgia.
I like to watch this film, I think the Gru is a bad man, but he is with the children together of the time is getting better, make mistakes as long as correct back or you'll like him.
. While Victor eat biscuits, but the shrink ray gun Victor was robbed: don', and then with the shrink ray gun to shrink the moon stole the moon;despicable me 1"Wednesday afternoon we watched the movie ": who wants to steal the moon, but Victor did not take the child back to him. He saw Victor like cookies. Victor know after several children Georgia adoption away. Gru put the moon directly to Victor, the Anglo Victor with rope door open to let the child down the spacecraft from the Victor spacecraft. The child said, is about, to get the kids to sell cookies for Victor, let the grove with the moon in exchange for children, successfully rescued all the children in the small yellow under the help of the people, he adopted the kids to sell cookies. The little yellow man help open the spacecraft, Anglo to shrink ray gun to steal back;t ever leave Georgia