Jane Austen has often been considered a woman who led a narrow, inhibited life and who rarely traveled. These assertions are far from the truth. Jane Austen traveled more than most women of her time and was quite involved in the lives of her brothers, so much that it often interfered with her writing. Like most writers, Jane drew on her experiences and her dreams for the future and incorporated them into her writing. Her characters reflect the people around her; the main characters reflect parts of herself. In Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park, Elinor Dashwood, Elizabeth Bennet, and Fanny Price all reflect aspects of Jane Austen and dreams she had that were never fulfilled.
Sense and Sensibility's Elinor Dashwood mirrors Jane Austen's strait-laced sense of propriety and her concern and care about family members. Jane was "practical and sensible, and she did what she thought best" (Tomalin 186). For example, after her father died, Jane managed to gather herself together and send her father's pocket compass and pair of scissors to her brother Frank as a memento of their father. Elinor in Sense and Sensibility is the sister who holds down the family and discusses the practicality of situations. She too distributes cherished mementos of her father when he dies. Elinor is the sister who is concerned with the welfare of her relations and takes it upon herself to look after their well-being. Feeling afflicted when her sister Mar......余下全文>>
I tell you ,i think lizhi and qinggan don't yiyang~
but, i think lizhi in the qinggan shang mian~~`
or you have qinggan time,your lizhi jiu hui don't see
you know me say yisi?
Overall Analysis and ThemesThe dichotomy between "sense" and "sensibility" is one of the lenses through which this novel is most commonly analyzed. The distinction is most clearly symbolized by the ps...
只帮你找到这个了 。。。。。
五:理智与情感 哪个在生活中更重要的作文英