

what time



1、I have a friend ,his name is ada ,we are in the sameschool and in the same class .She is tall than me and he is more outgoing thanme .So she is more likes make friends with anyone than me .She is very cute andshe is better in math and PE ,but her Chinese and English isn't better than me.So ,we often help each other and we all get good greads in the exam .She is mybest friend !

2、When my father was driving along Catford Street recently,he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One ofthem was carrying a bag full of money. My father acted quickly and drove thecar straight at the thieves. The one with the money got such a fright that hedropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get away in their car, my fatherdrove his car into the back of it. While the battered car was moving away, Itelephoned the police. The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy torecognize. Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men werearrested.

3、First of all ,don't be afraid to talk to a new friend. Agood talk can be the beginning of friendship. You can start with a populartopic, such as getting on QQ.. Second, try to know more about your new friend,including his or her name, address and hobbies. The more you know, the betteryou can get on well. Third, you should always be honesty. In no case can youcheat your friend, for as we know, honesty is the basic of friendship. Leastbut not last, be ready to help your friend when he or she get ......余下全文>>










1.How do you like the coffee here?

I think it’s pretty good.

2.Shall I take the bus or the subway to Shanghai Railway Station?

You should take the subway, it’s faster.

3.Sorry, mum, I have broke a glass.

It’s okay, be careful next time.

4.I think you really need a holiday.

I know, I’ve been so stressed lately.

5.Don`t sit on that chair, It`s broken.

Okay, I’ll find another one.

6.Let`s go and have some ice cream.

Sure, let’s go to Haagen Daaz.

7.What about going to the newly opened shopping center?

I don’t know where that is.

8.You`d better not be late for class again.

I’ll try not to.

9.You look tired.What`s the matter with you?

Nothing, I just slept late.

10.Make sure that every windows is closed.

Okay, I’ll make sure.

11.How do the sports shoes fit you?

They fit nicely.

12.What is the location of your high school?(四平路999号)

999 Si Ping Road

13.Well, I really must be off now?

14.My TV set is out of order, What shall I do?

You should call people to come fix it.

15.I`m sorry to have lost you pen, Let me buy one for you.

It’s fine, I have many.

16.How are you getting along with you English study?

I’m doing pretty well with English.

17.Sorry to bother you with so many questions.

No problem.

18.I`m turning off the light, OK?

Sure, I don’t need it anyway.



你的问题是你喜欢穿哪一个路类型的衣服?是类型,不是款式,那么类型就有正式,非正式,休闲装等之类的,那如果是休闲装就是casual clothes.说明原因,好处:

I like the casual clothes in the daily life.Because it is comfortable for us to study or to work.It seems that people can get alone well easily with each other when we put on the casual clothes.Nowadays,more and more people who work in the office are accepted to wear the casual clothes when they are working.It can be improved the work efficiency and kept the good mood for the workers.我平时喜欢穿休闲装.因为它能让我们在学习或工作的时候舒服些.当我们穿休闲装的时候,人与人之间也比较好容易相处.如今越来越多的办公室人员都可以穿休闲装去上班,这样不仅可以提高工作效率并且保持好的心情.










