Here is a friendly robot and the human world. I have a robot, its name is Nicole, although it is a machine, but it looked lovely, and can do many things for me. Such as cleaning, cooking and cleaning, when I can for my tired shoulders pounding, is really a lovely and useful robots. But it also has the disadvantage that sometimes it is not flexible enough. But no matter what, it is not just a robot, it is one of my good friend. For humans, the machine is an indispensable part of life, and in the technological era, the robot more complicated for us to share some things in our lives short, the robot very useful to us.
在我每次出门的时候,总看到小区扫地的爷爷在很辛苦地打扫,我突然想发明一种机器人助手。 我觉得这种机器人应该有两张嘴,样子是不是很怪异,其实,让它有两张嘴,是有我的想法的。其中的一张嘴用作可回收垃圾箱,另一张嘴用作不可回收垃圾箱。它的手呢,我准备把左手设计成扫把形状,右手则设计成手形状的灵活的铁夹子,需要扫时用左手,需要分类时用右手,把垃圾按可回收和不可回收分好类,放入不同的嘴中。 有了我的这咱机器人,我们小区的垃圾可就有了好去处,机器人把可回收的垃圾送到附近的回收站,不可回收的呢?自己吃掉转变成自己需要的电能。如果小区非常干净的话,机器人还可以用右手帮小区居民拎东西,扶老人、孩子过马路……我发明的机器人,是不是特别神奇啊? 可能,你会觉得,我在异想天开,其实,没有异想,哪有天开呀,只要我们努力学习科学技术,相信我这个美梦,一定会成真的,同学们,让我们共同加油好吗?