1 Two crocodiles are lying in the sun and drink cocktuils .The small one is the son of the big one but the big one isn't the small one's father, why?
两只鳄鱼躺在太阳下喝鸡尾酒. 小鳄鱼是大鳄鱼的儿子但大鳄鱼不是小鳄鱼的爸爸, 为什么?
the big one is the small one's mother
2 How many months have at least 28 days?
12 month, 12个月, 除了闰年2月以外, 平时每个月都比28天多
3 A postman mends to number 100 boxes. How many times will be write "9"
一名邮差修理信箱到100号, 他得写几次9?
10 times, 11次, 注意99是两个9哦
4 What happend on DEC 25th ,1948?
x'mas, 圣诞节
5 A cock is sitting on the foof.The angle of the roof on the side is 25' while the川order side is 45'. When it lays an egg,Which side will the egg roll?
一只公鸡坐在屋顶上, 当顺序角度是45度时,屋顶边缘的角度是25度,当它下了个蛋的时候, 这个蛋会向哪边滚?
cock doesn't lay eggs!公鸡根本不下蛋!
6 How many cards do you need to take out from a pack of poker to be sure you have 2 of the same color?
take'em all!54 cards, 全拿出来, 拿54张, 肯定有一样的
7 Tom makes $16000 manth is APRIL . His boss cuts his pay by 25% in May and gives him a 25% rise in June . Was Tom better off in Apirl or June?
tom赚了16000块的那个月是4月, 他的老板5月份扣了他25%的薪水, 然后六月份又加了25%的薪水? 他哪个月过的更好一点, 四月还是六月?
April四月, 16000x(1-0.25)x(1+0.25)=15000
8 A farmer has 20 pigs . A quarter run away. How many left?
一名农夫有20头猪, 跑了四分之一, 剩了几头?
15, 剩了3/4
9 In sandi Arabia bigaway is still logal .Can a man marry his window's sister?
在沙特阿拉伯一夫多妻还是合法的, 一个男人可以娶他的寡妇的妹妹么?
no, he can never do that. 他的寡妇...说明......余下全文>>