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你说的太多了,呵呵听力部分(共四大题 30 分)

I. 句子理解(Sentences)


II. 问句应答(Responses)

6—10 CBAAD

III. 对话理解 Dialogues)

A) 11—15 DBDCA

B) 16—20 BADDC

IV. 短文理解 Passages)

A) 21—25 CBDBA

B) 26. 7:30 pm 27. $1.40 28. mothers 29. babies 30. June 22nd

笔试部分(共七大题,计120 分)

I. 选择填空(Multiple-choice)

31—35 ADCCB 36—40 DBCDA 41—45 BDCAA 46—50 CDCBA

II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)

A) 51—55 DCBBA

B) 56. easy 57. collar 58. bite 59. without 60. dry

61. 因此,很多学生都尽自己最大努力在考试中取得好成绩


62. 因此,在新加坡,虽然中学生的学习生活看来不易

63. Becausea good education is regarded as a ticket to success in the future.

64. Outside school hours.

65. Hollywood blockbusters, Hong Kong and Singapore movies.

66. AF117.

67. At 9:10.

68. A23

69. the heavy rain / the bad weather

70. Because he wanted to get to the airport early.

III. 完形填空(Cloze)

A) 71. distance 72. spaceships 73. photos 74. so far 75. of 76. which 77. useful 78. exploration 79. a waste

of money 80. others

B) 81. has visited 82. started 83. were 84. to travel 85. caught 86. carries 87. flying 88. using 89. want

90. finding / to find

IV. 句式转换 Sentence pattern transformation)

91. five days 92. spent, cleaning 93. Both, and 94. too, to 95. borrowed, from

V. 翻译(Translation)

96. So far, Li Ming hasn蒺t travelled farther than Beijing.

97. I agree with you, but I havea better idea. / I havea better idea, although / though I agree with you.

98. Daniel either goes fishing or goes boating in his spare / free time.

99. W......余下全文>>

