

A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, who's trying to get an Assisting the Elderly badge. Together, they embark on an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin.




Pixar movies always able to love moving, this "flying house" is no exception. The film has two main characters, a 78-year-old retired balloon retailer old Karl, director of argument is that this role was inspired by the legendary actor Spencer Tracy, and the other is 10-year-old Asian boy Russell.

Old Carl after the death of his wife Ellie, become withdrawn up, also became a Holdout, because he refused to be sold to developers. Developers Ruanmoyingpao day, let him irritable endless. At this time, the fat guy Russell to come to help the elderly in order to get a badge with his entanglement. Old Carl Ellie to South America in order to achieve a travel destination waterfall wonderland dream, with tens of thousands of balloons to create a flying house, but after God, only to find that Russell actually take his downwind house. Initially, the old Carl did not like Russell, he had no children, so the children did not understand, and this child asking for too much fat, while the giant bird to adopt, while they tired. But gradually, they became good friends ......

Chemical reaction between the old Carl and Russell are the film's little emotion engine, sincere and moving between偿the two close friends to the film into a powerful emotional force. Only a handful of films can make people smile after, deeply moved, and "flying house" is one of them.

二 :黄金猎犬当黄金绿叶

Flying House" has two major supporting role, are animals. Kevin i......余下全文>>



卡尔是个有着怪脾气老头,胖得像球一样小孩小罗看着又傻乎乎。《飞屋》主线并不复杂,但起承转合有自己独到的地方,比如,影片开头用了近20分钟来记述卡尔和爱丽是如何相识、相爱、相守到老的过程,除了表现爱丽和卡尔个性的童年时期,几乎全无对白,就是那样接近完美的“陪着你慢慢变老的过程”,不需要言语煽动,情绪就无声无息地上来了。而创作者没有打一枪换一个地方,这段看似与冒险过程无关的回忆,成为了卡尔制造飞屋、甚至重塑自我的最大动力,也在几个关键节点反复用力推进情节转折。主角的设计也有小惊喜,卡尔不是慈眉善目的老爷爷,他多少有些怪脾气,为了保护爱妻遗物还会有暴力倾向,小孩小罗胖得像球一样,看着傻乎乎,废话还很多,这些与保守的审美观有矛盾的细节一再爆发出喜剧火花,另外,皮克斯招牌的抢眼配角继续爆发搞笑功力,会说话的狗这个族群的设计最能体现皮克斯的小机灵。 英文简介:

A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South Africa. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocked his neighbors by tying thousands of ba触loons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home。...余下全文>>




Up is a 2009 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film produced by Pixar, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and presented in Disney Digital 3-D. The film premiered on May 29, 2009 in North America and opened the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first animated and 3D film to do so.[3] The film was director Pete Docter's second film, the first being 2001's Monsters, Inc., and features the voices of Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, Bob Peterson, and Jordan Nagai. It is Pixar's tenth feature film and the studio's first to be presented in Disney Digital 3-D,[4] and is accompanied in theaters and DVD releases by the short film Partly Cloudy.[5]


电影由华特迪士尼影业发行,曾於纽约Comic-Con展试映前45分钟,获得好评如流。受邀为第62届坎城影展开幕片,首部担任坎城开幕片的3D动画片。[1]本片在北美2009年5月29日正式公开首映。 本片入围奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳动画片等奖项,成为继美女与野兽之後的第二部入围最佳影片的动画片。

Young Carl Fredricksen is a shy, quiet boy who idolizes renowned explorer Charles F. Muntz. He is saddened to learn, however, that Muntz has been accused of fabricating the skeleton of a giant bird he had claimed to have discovered in Paradise Falls, South America. Muntz vows to return there to capture one alive. One day, Carl befriends an energetic and somewhat eccentric tomboy named Ellie, who is also a Muntz fan. She confides to Carl her desire to move her "clubhouse"—an abandoned house in the neighborhood—to a cliff overlooking Pa......余下全文>>


飞屋环游记(查看详细资料)英文名:Up 别名:天外奇迹 类型:动作片 冒险片 家庭片 动画片  导演:彼特-道格特 编剧:鲍勃-彼德森 主要演员:       爱德华-阿斯纳  饰 Carl Fredricksen       克里斯托弗-普卢默  饰 Charles Muntz       戴尔里-林多  饰 Beta产地:美国 语种:英语 上映时间:2009-5-29 发行公司:Buena Vista Home Entertainment (BVHE) 博伟国际 博伟电影公司 出品公司:皮克斯动画工作室 官方网站: Disney.com/UP 地区:欧美 ·故事梗概:《飞屋环游记》讲述了一个70多岁的老爷爷满心期望能在晚年环游世界,进行冒险活动,但是活了一辈子的他仍然没有这样的机会。在进入老年后,他邂逅了一个八岁的男孩,这对忘年交最终共同踏上了环游世界的旅途,也遇到了许多不平凡的突发事件。

六:飞屋环游记的简洁英文介绍,有中文对照的,拜托啦~~ 10分

Chinese film title movie playbill: flies room link travel notes the English film title: Up more Chinese film titles: outside day miracle .....Chinese Taiwan translated name soars to the heavens the reinforcement .....Chinese Hong Kong translated name more foreign language film titles: Là-haut ......French translated name Oben ..........German translated name movie type: the animation/movement/family/take risks the film length: 96 point clock country/area: American dialog language: English color: colored width: the 35 millimeters obstruct breadth silver screen system the production form: Digital developing film form: D-Cinema ..... (3-D version) 35 mm demonstration proportion: 1.85: 1 movie box office: US first showing box office: $68,108,790 US accumulation box office: $287,392,452 overseas accumulation box office: $108,800,000 whole world accumulation box office: $396,192,452 (up to 2009.8.12) rating: PG (guardian instructs level, because has danger and fights lens) Direction: Pitt · Gutt Pete Docter ...... (director) Bob · other German woods Bob Peterson….(co-director) screenwriter: Bob · other German woods Bob Peterson….(screenplay) movie-making: the Jonas · Switzerland pulls Jonas Rivera to act the leading role Eder · Sina Ed Asner fertile….(voice) Jordan · long well Jordan Nagai….(voice) Christopher · Plummer Christopher Plummer….(voice) John · thunder woods Borger John Ratzenberger….(voice) Paulo · Li Ding Paul Eiding….Additional Voices (voice) in Dell ·......余下全文>>



