

To everyone,they always come across many different things every day,so they will forget these things easily.But to me,there is one thing making me unforgettable.

Last Saturday,I went to a primary school to teach English.This was my first lesson in my life and I felt very excited at that time.And I was not nervous.However,at the beginning of the lesson,I didn’t know how to teach,so the classroom was full of silence.Fortunately,I concentrated on the lesson very soon.In fact,I thought there were still many problems in the lesson.After class,the English teacher of this school gave me some advice .I believed they would be helpful to me in the future.

Through the lesson,I realize that pratice is very important.Not only can it expands my teaching experience,but it will improve my English.I believe all the time “Where there is a will,there is a way”.

二:难忘的一节课 英语作文80词

There were lots of classes in my life. Most of them happened in the school. However, the most important one which I couldn't forget was taught by an traffic accident.

It was a woderful Sunday. I went to a park with my friends. At that moment, the traffic light turned red. Most of people were waiting. But some of them chose to go across the street. It was a common thing in China. Fortunatly, a car knocked over a girl of those people who was watching her cellphone.

I was shocked. Please follow the traffice rules. Please be careful when you cross a street. It was an unforfetable but sad class.









小学生活转眼间就过去了,如流水般转瞬即逝。但那一个个难忘的瞬间,我还历历在目。 四年级时,我们换了一位美术老师。她和蔼可亲,平易近人,时时刻刻都给人最甜美的微笑。 因为我是美术课代表。那次老师让我通知大家下次美术课带“水粉”。而我却因为自己的马虎通知,导致大家都带成了水彩笔。老师一上课楞了,问大家怎么没带水粉几位同学答到:课代表通知带水粉。我这才如梦初醒,心想自己这次肯定定了。老师一定会重重地责罚我,还有可能“乌纱帽”不保,同学们或许因此而疏远我,不与我玩了。我如坐针毡。 只听见徐老师说:“对不起,是我通知错了,我们把下节课的内容移到这这节课来上。”我顿时惊呆了!诧异地望着老师。下课了,我冲出教室,对徐老师断断续续地解释:“老师,我……”徐老师轻轻地捂住我的嘴,对我微笑说:“下次可要认真负责呀……” 一股暖流流进我心田,我感动地说不出一句话来, 从那以后我做事仔仔细细,一丝不苟。是因为她——我敬爱的徐老师保护了一个孩子的自尊心。像这样的事不仅仅有一件,更多的老师在关爱、包容着学生,像辛勤的园丁在呵护着我们,使我们快乐自信地成长。 五年级时我们学校接待全省的200多名老师一起做教研研讨。作为乒乓特色学校我校有一节乒乓实践公开课。因为有实打的环节,需要两名解说员。经过学校主任的推荐,我荣幸地担任了这一职务。 虽然我不懂乒乓球,但经过一天的培训加上我的口齿伶俐。那天的展示课上因为我稚嫩又机智的解说而换得了经久不息的掌声。上完课,有几位外地老师直夸奖我口才好!后来我们学校的校长亲自颁给了我一个大奖状,真是既风光又难忘。感谢学校为我们提供了一个展示自我的平台,它是我们成长的摇篮与沃土。小学生活是一去不复返了,偶尔想起这些难忘的瞬间,便会沉浸在其中,思念感慨万千!


When talking about the course which impresses me the most, I will certainly choose Basic Chemical Experiment. As a student of science, I am always fascinated with the magic in test tubes, and from this course I gained more than pure knowledge.

To begin with, this course provides us opportunities to put theories into practices. The experiments helped us testify and better understand what we have learned in books. Besides, by designing experimental procedures of own, we became more flexible and innovative.

Moreover, I also developed other skills that required outside labs through this course. For example, to be focused and careful when proceeding a task, to be patient and calm when facing failures, and to communicate properly when you need someone else to cooperate. These can be very valuable assets to your life.

Basic Chemical Experiment influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore it’s the most impressing course to me.

