

爪哇犀牛 Rhinoceros sondaicus

加湾鼠海豚 Phocoena sinus

克罗斯河大猩猩 Gorilla gorilla diehli

苏门答腊虎 Panthera tigris sumatrae

婆罗洲矮象 Borneo pygmy elephant

大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca

北极熊 polar bear

湄公河巨鲶 Mekong giant catfish

黑足雪貂 Black-footed ferret

金头猴 Golden headed langur



The Giant Panda is a mammal classified in the bear family (Ursidae), native to central-western and southwestern China.[2] The Giant Panda was previously thought to be a member of the Procyonidae (raccoon) family.[3] It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though belonging to the order Carnivora, the Giant Panda has a diet which is 99% bamboo. The Giant Panda may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, and bananas when available.

The Giant Panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. It once lived in lowland areas, but farming, forest clearing, and other development now restrict the Giant Panda to the mountains.

The Giant Panda is a conservation reliant endangered species. According to the latest report,[4] China has 239 Giant Pandas in captivity and another 27 living outside the country. It also estimated that around 1,590 pandas are currently living in the wild.[4] However, a 2006 study, via DNA analysis, estimated that there might be as many as 2,000 to 3,000 Giant Pandas in the wild.[5] Though reports show that the numbers of wild pandas are on the rise,[6][7] the International Union for Conservation of Nature believes there is not enough certainty to remove the Giant Panda from the endangered animal list.[8]

While the dragon has historically served as China's national emblem, in recent......余下全文>>


endangered animal


.白鳍豚:别名白暨、白鳍豚,属于喙豚科,学名为Lipotes vexillifer Miller,属于鲸目(Cetacea),白暨豚科。识海特点为:吻突狭长,长约300毫米。额部圆而隆起。背鳍三角形,位于身体的3/5处,有低皮肤脊与尾鳍相连。头顶的偏左侧有一个能启闭自如的呼吸孔。尾鳍水平向,向缘凹入呈新月形。白暨豚种群数量很小,为我国特有的珍稀水生兽类,亟待加强保护。. 产于长江中下游湖北、安徽、江苏段的干流之中。它们大约在长江生活了2500万年,有“活化石”的美称。由于数量奇少,被列为中国一级保护野生动物。

