Tu youyou, a famous female chemist and scientist, was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province on December 30th, 1930. In 1951,she was admitted into Beijing University, majoring in making medicine and graduated in 1955. After graduation she was trained in traditional Chinese medicine for two years and a half and she has been working in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In 1972, she succeeded in discovering and developing Qinghaosu out of a Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world , for which she won many big awards . To our excitement and delight , she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 5th, 2015, becoming the first Chinese woman to win the Nobel Prize. We are called on to learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.
Several decades ago, an up-and-coming female Chinese scientist named Tu Youyou was inspired to find a cure for malaria(疟疾) by making hte best use of Chinese traditional medicine.
It seemed that it was quite difficult feat, because little related research had been done before. What's worse, some scientists showed nagative attitudes towards it, cosidering it a crazy idea. However, in spite of obstacles, Tu Youyou was never discouraged. Instead, sh had a burning desire to find the cure for the disease. What she did was absorbed herself in doing experiments regardless of various difficulties. After countless attempts, she managed to accomplish her dream and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. With determination, she finally made it.
What impresses me most is her persistance and strong will. It reinforces my belief that with them, I can definately fulfill my potential and achieve my goal even after plenty of failure.
Tu Yo Yo, girl, pharmacists. December 30, 1930 was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, in 1951 admitted to Peking University, students studying medicine specializing in medical pharmacy department. In 1955, he graduated from Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Health Science Center). After graduation, she has received training in Chinese medicine for two years and a half, and has been (renamed as China Academy of Traditional 2005) in Chinese Medicine Research Institute, before and after the period was promoted to master tutor, doctoral tutor, now the chief scientist of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. . Chinese Medicine Research Institute and chief researcher lifelong researcher, director of artemisinin research and development centers, doctoral tutor, pharmacists, Nobel Prize winner
Tu Yo Yo, female, pharmacists. December 30, 1930 was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, in 1951 admitted to Peking University, professional learning in medical school student drug Pharmacy Department. In 1955, he graduated from Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Health Science). After graduating who have received training in Chinese medicine for two years and a half, and has been (renamed as China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005) in Chinese Medicine Research Institute, before and after the period was promoted to master tutor, doctoral tutor, is now the chief scientist of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. . China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine lifelong researcher and principal investigator, director of the artemisinin research and development centers, doctoral tutor, pharmacists, Nobel Prize winner.
Tu Yo Yo years engaged in traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine research, outstanding contributions to the creation of new antimalarial drug artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin. 1972 successfully extracted to a formula as colorless crystals of C15H22O5 named artemisinin. September 2011, the discovery of artemisinin - a drug used to treat malaria, saving millions of lives worldwide especially in developing countries get Lasker and GSK China R & D Center "life Science outstanding Achievement Award. " October 2015, Tu Yo Yo get Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, on the grounds that she found artemisinin, the ......余下全文>>
Tu youyou artemisinin treatment of human malaria laid the foundation for the most important, countries and the World Health Organization to promote, save the world especially developing countries millions of malaria patients life, for human treatment and control of the major parasitic infectious disease made a revolutionary contribution, has become to use scientific methods to promote the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine and to the world in a splendid paradigm.
是,不可挡 2011年9月,屠呦呦获得2011年度拉斯克奖临床医学奖,以表彰其对治疗疟疾的青蒿素研究所作出的贡献。这是该奖项设立65年以来,首次颁给中国科学家,也是迄今为止,中国生物医学界获得的世界级大奖。 消息一出,各大媒体像炸开锅一样,开始追踪报道屠呦呦的获奖背景,研究专业,以及生平记事。 屠呦呦对青蒿素的发现有多重要? 我们先回到上个世纪50年代,抗美援朝以及越南战争时期。当时作战士兵常常被疟疾所累,战斗力受到严重影响。于是,多国政府都不得不将大量精力投入到抗疟药物的研发上,但都一筹莫展。 1967年5月23日,在毛泽东主席和周恩来总理的指示下,来自全国各地的科研人员聚集北京,就疟疾防治药物和抗药性研究工作召开了一个协作会议,就此启动了代号为“523项目”的计划。该项目的短期目标是要尽快研制出能在战场上有效控制疟疾的药物,长远目标是通过筛选合成化合物和中草药药方与民间疗法来研发出新的抗疟药物。 国家对“523项目”十分重视,特设仿造西药或制造衍生物、从中药中寻找抗疟药、制造驱蚊剂等几大课题组,组织了来自60多个研究机构和单位的500多名研究人员参与研发,这其中就有来自中医研究院中药研究所的屠呦呦。她被分在了中医药协作组,主要从中医角度开展实验研究。 实验的过程漫长而复杂。光调查收集这一个过程,屠呦呦和她的课题组成员便筛选了2000余个中草药方,并整理出了640种抗疟药方集。他们以鼠疟原虫为模型检测了200多种中草药方和380多个中草药提取物。这其中,青蒿素引起了屠呦呦的注意。 青蒿素是来自一种菊科艾属植物的提取物,屠呦呦在实验过程中发现,它对鼠疟原虫的抑制率可达68%.但这个抑制率十分不稳定,甚至在后续的实验中,抑制率显示只有12%-40%。对此屠呦呦猜测,低抑制率可能是提取物中有效成份浓度过低的原因造成的。于是她着手改进提取方法。通过翻阅古代文献,特别是东晋名医葛洪的著作《肘后备急方》中的“青蒿一握,以水二升渍,绞取汁,尽服之”,她意识到常用煎熬和高温提取的方法可能破坏了青蒿有效成分。 不出所料,改用乙醚低温提取后,研究人员如愿获得了抗疟效果更好的青蒿提取物。“1971年10月4日,我第一次成功地用沸点较低的乙醚制取青蒿提取物,并在实验室中观察到这种提取物对疟原虫的抑制率达到了100%。这个解决问题的转折点,是在经历了第190次失败之后才出现的。”这一步,至今被认为是当时发现青蒿粗提物有效性的关键所在。 后来,为了获证青蒿素对人体疟疾的疗效,屠呦呦等人首先在自己身上进行实验,实验效果十分喜人。随后,屠呦呦课题组深入到海南地区,进行实地考察。在21位感染了疟原虫的患者身上试用之后,发现青蒿素治疗疟疾的临床效果非常成功。 青蒿素对恶性疟疾、脑疟强大的治疗效果,挽救了全球尤其是发展中国家数百万人的生命,饱受疟疾之苦的非洲人民称之为“中国神药”。“在人类的药物史上,我们如此庆祝一项能缓解数亿人疼痛和压力、并挽救上百个国家数百万人生命的发现的机会并不常有。”斯坦福大学教授、拉斯克奖评审委员会成员露西·夏皮罗如此评价发现青蒿素的意义。 屠呦呦因此被称为“青蒿素之母”,并得到拉斯克奖临床医学奖的嘉许。 因为拉斯克奖还有一个“诺贝尔奖风向标”的别称,人们便激动地预测,屠呦呦很有可能成为获得诺贝尔奖的第一个中国人。结果我们都知道了,当年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖颁给了两个美国人和一个法国人。虽然希望落空,但这也不影响人们给屠呦呦加冠另一个头衔——离诺贝尔最近的中国女人。 非,池中物 屠呦呦获奖后,在一片叫好声中......余下全文>>
八:英语作文 写给屠呦呦的一封信
Home "plum flower", "learning her tenacity children". The discovery of Qinghaosu Tu and his team easier said than done, how to pay hard, it is difficult to imagine the world. If you do not keep on carving "tenacity", scientific experiments difficult achievements."A thousand million hammer chisel out of the mountains", "her son zuanjin learning".After the end of the Second World War, the malaria parasite has generated resistance, scientists began to look for new drugs. In a long period of exploration, the Chinese government has also launched a "project 523, Tu youyou groundbreaking discovered artemisinin, create a new method for the treatment of malaria. If there is no courage to explore the "drill", this research is likely to cast to waste.
Tu youyou, a famous female chemist and scientist, was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province on December 30th, 1930. In 1951,she was admitted into Beijing University, majoring in making medicine and graduated in 1955. After graduation she was trained in traditional Chinese medicine for two years and a half and she has been working in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In 1972, she succeeded in discovering and developing Qinghaosu out of a Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world , for which she won many big awards . To our excitement and delight , she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 5th, 2015, becoming the first Chinese woman to win the Nobel Prize. We are called on to learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.