

你要什么版本的?苏教、人教还是什么? 课文难找,给你单词表看一下吧 五年级上册英语词汇汇总 Unit1 1.在十二点三十分attwelvethirty 2.在十一点五十分beforeelevenfifteen 3.在伦敦inLondon 4.做面条makenoodles 5.去购物goshopping 6.在周末attheweekend 7.今天晚上thisevening 8.每个早上everymorning 9.在下午intheafternoon 10.晚饭后aftersupper 11.吃午饭have/eatlunch 12.读点书dosomereading 13.回家gobackhome 14.少年宫Children’sPalace 15.经常quite(very)often 16.参观博物馆visitthemuseum 17.上网surfthenet 18.去工作(上班)gotowork 19.去散步goforawalk 20.锻炼身体takeexercise 21.下课后afterclass 22.多经常……?Howoften...? 23.A不同于BAisdifferentfromB Unit2 1.第一个学期thefirstterm 2.学年schoolyear 3.在冬季学期inwinterterm 4.在十一月inNovember 5.在八月开始startinAugust 6.在二月结束endinJanuary 7.在秋季inautumn 8.最喜欢春季likespringbest 9.度假have(one’s)holiday 10.儿童节Children’sDay 11.新年;元旦newyear 12.元旦newyear’sday 13.中国的新年;春节ChineseNewYear 14.教师节Teachers’Day 15.五一劳动节MayDay 16.建军节ArmyDay 17.国庆节NationalDay 18.在九月十日onthetenthofSeptember 19.十月三十一日thethirty-firstofOctober/ October31st Unit4 1.跳得很高jumpveryhigh 2.游得快swimfast 3.每个人都有他自己的天赋Everyonehashisowngift 4.爬树climbtrees 5.飞得高flyhigh 6.读和写readandwrite Unit5 1.说英语speakEnglish 2.和我们谈话talkwithus(用宾格) 3.用我的腿走路walkwithmylegs 4.用我的手工作workwithmyhands 5.用英语说故事tellstoriesinEnglish 6.跳舞跳得很好danceverywell(不用good) 7.看我!watchme! 8.阅读英语故事readEnglishstories 9.明白你的老师understandyourteacher 10.用英语给你的朋友writealetterinEnglishtoyourfriend 11.(球踢得)非常好(playfootball)verywell 12.相当好quitewell 13.不是很好notverywell 14.一点也不notatall Unit7 1.去花展gototheflowershow 2.和你一起去gowithyou 3.照相takephotos/takeaphoto 4.在草地上onthegrass 5.休息一会儿takearest 6......余下全文>>


Unit 1

☆young (年轻的) ☆funny (滑稽可笑的) ☆tall (高的)

☆strong (强壮的)☆kind (和蔼的、亲切的)

☆old (年老的) ☆short (矮的) ☆thin (瘦的)

☆Mr (先生) ☆like (像、喜欢) ☆strict (严格的)

☆smart (聪明的、巧妙的) ☆active (积极的、活跃的)

☆quiet (安静的、文静的)☆very (很、非常) ☆but (但是)

principal(校长)university student(大学生)

Unit 2

☆Mondy (星期一) ☆Tuesday (星期二)☆Wednesday (星期三)

☆Thursday (星期四) ☆Friday (星期五) ☆Saturday (星期六)

☆Sunday (星期天) ☆day (天) ☆have (有、吃) ☆on (在…..时候)

☆do homework (做作业) ☆watch TV (看电视) ☆read books (读书)

Moral Education(思想品德课) Social Studies(社会课) tomorrow(明天) do housework(做家务)

Unit 3

☆eggplant (茄子) ☆fish (鱼) ☆green beans (青豆) ☆tofu (豆腐)

☆potato (土豆) ☆tomato (西红柿) ☆for (为) ☆lunch (中餐)

☆we (我们) ☆tasty (好吃的) ☆sweet (甜的) ☆sour (酸的)

☆fresh (新鲜的) ☆salty (咸的) ☆favourite (最喜欢的)

☆they are (他们是) ☆fruit (水果) ☆grape (葡萄)

Unit 4

☆cook the meals (倒垃圾) ☆water the flowers (浇花)

☆sweep the floor (扫地) ☆clean the bedroom (打扫卧室)

☆make the bed (铺床)☆ set the table (摆饭桌)

☆wash the clothes (洗衣服) ☆do the dishes (洗碗碟)

☆use a computer (使用计算机)

Unit 5

☆curtain (窗帘) ☆trash bin (垃圾箱) ☆closet (壁橱)

☆mirror (镜子) ☆end table (床头柜) ☆bedroom (卧室)

☆kitchen (厨房)☆ bathroom (卫生间) ☆living room (客厅)

☆in (在…里面) ☆on (在…上面) ☆under (在…下面)☆ near (在..附近)

☆behind (在…后边)☆ clothes (衣服)

Unit 6

☆river (河流) ☆flower (花) ☆grass (草) ☆lake (湖泊) ☆forest (森林)

☆path (路) ☆park(公园) ☆picture (照片) ☆house (房子) ☆bridge (桥) ☆tree (树) ☆road (公路) ☆building (建筑物) ☆clean (干净的)


Unit 1

1、young [jʌŋ] 年轻的





Today, the young generation lives a good life, the peace of life makes them feel bored, so they begins to chase for exciting sports. Parachute sport is the most popular and challenging for them, people jump for the high mountain and then open the parachute, flying above the sky and seeing the scenery. It is so dangerous, but the more dangerous, the more people like. The parachute sport is such a great challenge that some people choose bungee jumping, it is safe but also excited. People jump from the top and almost to the river. The lose of gravity makes people feel like dying, it is the sense of dying attracts people. But not everyone is suitable for these adventure sports, the people whose have heart disease are not allowed to do it. No matter what kind of sport people try, safety comes first.


