


Guangzhou is in the south and one of

the largest cities of China.The third longest river,Zhujiang River,runs

through the city.The Weather in Guangzhou is different from that of many

cities in the north.It is warm in winter and quite hot in summer with lot of

rains in spring and summer.There are many interesting places in the city worth

seeing,such as the statue of five goats,Guangzhou tower,Guangdong Museum and

Baiyun Mountain.The best part for tourist in Guangzhou is food.The cake of

Guangzhou is the most famous food in China.The people of Guangzhou are very

friendly and diligent,which you can see if you come to visit Guangzhou.



I am living in guangzhou that's a big and noisy city.I'd like to go to the park because too many beautiful flowers and trees there.Every day when I go to school I could see many people in the street so you will feel crowded.After school I need to do my homework if I want to go to the zoo with my parents.Do you think so busy I am?


环境是一个人类生存最基本的条件,如果我们破坏了环境,这等于破坏了我们生存的条件。  目前,生态环境日益恶劣,对我们影响最大的就是水资源。据有关资料报道:的铺设和清洁剂的使用有增无减,消耗水中的氧,使鱼类死亡,生态系统恶化。人类的活动会使大量的工业、农业污染物排入水中,使水受到污染。全世界每年约有4200多亿的污水排入河中,污染了5。5万亿的淡水。  这是多么让人触目惊心的事实啊,保护环境是人人有责的,为什么要破坏呢?  我外婆家附近有一条小河,以前清澈见底,我的姐姐、哥哥小时候常常在小河里游泳,和他们的小伙伴们在水中嬉戏,叔叔、阿姨们也常常在这小河中洗衣服、洗菜,而如今,小河旁建造了一个化工厂,把生产的废水排放到河里,原本那清澈见底的小河渐渐变成了黑黑的散发着怪味的小河。大人们再也不去小河洗衣服洗菜了,小伙伴们也再也不去河里嬉戏!  我多么怀念那条清澈见底的小河啊!我想:珍惜资源,爱护环境,这些都是功在当代、力及千秋的大事啊!如果我们在这样污染水,那我们可以用的水资源就会越来越少,我们破坏环境,就是破坏我们生存的条件。  让我们携起手来,共同保护环境,不要让淡水变成污水,保护环境,是我们共同的责任!

