二:牛津大学特点英语简介 短一点
About Oxford University
Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000.
Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.
Oxford University is a member of the Russell Group of 19 research-intensive universities.
三:急求牛津大学简介英文翻译 30分
Oxford University was established in the 13th century, one of the world's top ten universities, to the beautiful university city known around the world, fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland that is as the background for the story. Oxford e搐erywhere in the Gothic spire beautiful building, it is "steeple of the city". Oxford University is the UK's first national university, and encouraged many of the top outstanding personalities. The school contains 36 colleges, in addition to their different architectural features, each Institute is an independent teaching institution, providing students with academic and life guidance. The University has more than 30 colleges, all unique. Oxford University courses, whether arts or science, you can obtain a BA degree or equivalent with an honors degree, students pick their own by the instructor, after three years of study, a bachelor's degree. In recent years, Oxford also has a combination of two or more subjects in subjects such as philosophy and mathematics, classical literature and modern literature, fully embodies the contemporary academic multi-angle, multi-edge, trend and needed trends in resource sharing .
牛津大学不同于其它的大学,城市与大学融为一体,街道就从校园穿过。大学不仅没有校门和围墙,而且连正式招牌也没有。牛津有一个中央学校(包括校和系图书馆,以及科学实验室),38个学院以及7个永久私人公寓(Permanent Private Halls,PPHs)。这些学院并不只是宿舍,而是实质上负责本科生和研究生的教学。有些学院只接受研究生,这些通常都是近一个世纪建立的新学院,例如Wolfson College。而有一个学院根本就不招收学生,那就是All Souls College。博物馆阿什莫林博物馆(Ashmolean Museum)皮特利弗斯博物馆(Pitt Rivers Museum)牛津大学自然史博物馆(Oxford University Museum of Natural History)科学史博物馆(Museum of the History of Science)在牛津博物馆也是重要的文化代表。其中阿什莫尔博物馆(Ashmolean Museum)建于1683年,是英国第一座博物馆,比大英博物馆(British Museum)早70年,现为英国第二大博物馆。其它包括牛津故事博物馆、科学史博物馆、庇特河流人种史博物馆、现代艺术博物馆、大学自然历史博馆等。图书馆Bodleian图书馆(Bodleian Library)Bodleian法律图书馆(Bodleian Law Library)Hooke图书馆(Hooke Library)Sackler图书馆(Sackler Library)Radcliffe科学图书馆(Radcliffe Science Library)牛津共有104个图书馆。其中最大的博德利图书馆是英国第二大图书馆(仅次于大不列颠图书馆),于1602年开放,比大英博物馆的图书馆早150年,现有藏书600多万册,拥有巨大的地下藏书库。剑桥也有近100个图书馆,藏书约500多万册,每年购书经费约300万英镑(折合4000多万人民币)。根据1611年英国书业公所的决定,英国任何一家出版社的图书都必须免费提供一册给牛津和剑桥的图书馆,至今如此。四合院市中心周围街两旁布满中世纪的四合院,每个四合院就是一所学院,由于在当时学术是教会的专利,因此学院都以修院式建筑来设计,不过四周往往围绕着美丽的庭园。尽管大多数的学院这些年来多有改变,但是依然融合许多原有特色。每个学院完全是中世纪修道院的模样,城内多塔状建筑,故又得名“塔城”。位于民众方庭的图书馆,建于1371年,是英格兰最古老的图书馆;大学植物园,建于1621年,是英国最早的教学植物园。广场、教堂、剧院雷德克利夫广场(Radicliffe Square)是大学举行庆典及各项文艺活动的中心,这是整个古城的中心。圣玛利教堂(St.Mary's Church)位于广场南边,十七世纪前,学校的主要庆典、音乐会都在这举行。广场西侧是建于1509年的Brasenose College,学院因创校时,大门上有一只铜制的“狮鼻扣门环”而得名。学院正门的天庭中,有一座宝蓝色的日晷钟。广场的西角是建于十五世纪的神学院(Divinity School),有古典式圆顶的雷德克利夫建筑是牛津很特殊的建筑。它是图书馆的原始建筑。早期作为大学的研讨教室之用, 改为大学图书馆Bodlien Library的阅览室。克莱斯特教堂被牛津人亲切呼为“The House”。万灵学院(All Souls College)是牛津众多学院中唯一没有大学生的学院,因为学院中只有研究生,因而被视为世界最具学术权......余下全文>>
Oxford University was established in the 13th century, one of the world's top ten universities, to the beautiful university city known around the world, fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland that is as the background for the story. Oxford everywhere in the Gothic spire beautiful building, it is "steeple of the city". Oxford University is the UK's first national university, and encouraged many of the top outstanding personalities. The school contains 36 colleges, in addition to their different architectural features, each Institute is an independent teaching institution, providing students with academic and life guidance. The University has more than 30 colleges, all unique. Oxford University courses, whether arts or science, you can obtain a BA degree or equivalent with an honors degree, students pick their own by the instructor, after three years of study, a bachelor's degree. In recent years, Oxford also has a combination of two or more subjects in subjects such as philosophy and mathematics, classical literature and modern literature, fully embodies the contemporary academic multi-angle, multi-edge, trend and needed trends in resource sharing .
University of Oxford
剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)成立于1209年,最早是由一批为躲避殴斗而从牛津大学逃离出来的学者建立的。亨利三世国王在1231年授予剑桥教学垄断权。剑桥大学和牛津大学(University of Oxford)齐名为英国的两所最优秀的大学,被合称为“Oxbridge”。是世界十大学府之一,81位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。剑桥大学还是英国的名校联盟“罗素集团”(Russell Group of Universities)和欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团(Coimbra Group)的成员。现任校长是艾利森·理查德。
剑桥大学所处的剑桥(Cambridge)是一个拥有10万居民的英格兰小镇,距英国首都伦敦不到100千米,这个小镇有一条河流穿过,被命名为“剑河”(River Cam,也译作“康河”),早在公元前43年,古罗马士兵就驻扎在剑河边,后来还在剑河上建起了一座大桥,这样,河名和桥加住一起,就构成了剑桥这一地名。绝大多数的学院、研究所、图书馆和实验室都在这个镇上,此外还有20多所教堂。
该大学在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第五十九。
English introduction and Chinese translation of University of Oxford