2、正方: The claim
反方:The counterclaim
正方: Positive side
反方: Negative side
正方 Affirmative side
反方:Negative side
一辩:The first speaker 或The first debater
二辩 The second speaker或The second debater
三辩:The third speaker或 The third debater
Opening Statement 开场陈词
Free Debate 自由辩
Closing Statement 总结陈词
一辩 Prime Minister 二辩 Member of the Government
一辩 Leader of the Opposition 二辩 Member of the Opposition
The members of the government side are:
Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Government Whip
The members of the Opposition side are the following:
Leader of the Opposition
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Opposition Whip
The speakers will be speaking in the following order:
Prime Minister
Leader of the opposition
Deputy Prime Minister
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Government Whip
Opposition Whip
Opposition Reply
Government Reply
比赛流程: 正方一辩立论 反方四辩对正方一辩质询 反方一辩立论 正方四辩对反方一辩质询 正方二辩陈词 反方三辩对正方二辩质询 反方二辩陈词 正方三辩对反方二辩质询 反方三辩质询小结 正方三辩质询小结 自由辩论 反方四辩结辩 正方四辩结辩
1、辩论赛:Dabate 2、正方: The claim 反方:The counterclaim 或者 正方: Positive side 反方: Negative side 或者 正方 Affirmative side 反方:Negative side 3、辩手: 一辩:The first speaker 或The first debater 二辩 The second spea
trees and in thedistance there was a glimpse of the turrets of a castle.
Topic 1:Is opportunity and luck more important than hard working ?
正方一辩:We can't deny the importance of hard work. Both of these elements are very important in determining whether a person is successful or not. But luck brings us opportunities to show the value of our hard work. In this sense, luck is more important than hard work alone.
我们不能否认勤勉的重要性. 两者在决定一个人是否成功时都很重要. 但运气让我们有机会表现出勤勉的价值. 因此运气比勤勉更重要.
On one level, luck means ‘a good material life'. But adversity is also a kind of luck. This kind of luck is not uncertain. Children growing up in adversity will be stronger.
表面看来运气意味着优越的物质生活, 但逆境其实也是一种运气, 这里的运气就是可确定的. 在逆境中成长的孩子往往更坚强.
Topic2: Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work
Good morning, everyone we are the objective part.
I am debater 1 Han .
I am debater 2 Jone
We are the negative part.
I am debater 1 ding.
I am debater 2 Li
We both sides have to seize this opportunity,to pursue our desires for success. Our opinion - --the opportunity and luck is the key to success. If there is no opportunity, even though you have talent you have not demonstrated vision and the opportunity to stage. Mrs. Courier said: "the weak waits for the opportunity the strong creates opportunity”. We think: Opportunity and Luck are the keys to success! That’s all, thank you.
反方立论:Our side insists on t厂at hard working is the key to success. It’s true that hard working and the opportunity are the important factors to succe......余下全文>>