This June 30th I am going to graduate, so I want to hold a party on Saturday evening in my house. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will this party be that you can't afford to miss it. For one thing, we will have a big meal,sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't seen for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation.
Welcome to our class and welcome to our evening party.First of
all,let me say a few words about our class.There are ** students in our
class.And most of us are good at Englisg language.All of us think that
English is a kind of universal language which is widely used in
different fields.With the development of the global economy,it is
becoming more and more important,especially for young people.In our free
time,we usually learn English by reading magazines,watching
TV,listening to the radio and etc.We take every chance to practise our
English.That is why we are here to have an English party with our
foreign friends.
This June 30th I am going to graduate, so I want to hold a party on Saturday evening in my house. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will this party be that you can't afford to miss it. For one thing, we will have a big meal,sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't seen for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation.
道具 一个大气球、一根绳子
人数 两方,各二到四人为宜
玩法 两方互顶气球过线,只许用头,落地者输
道具 椅子、任何可外放的音乐播放器
人数 比椅子总数多一个
玩法 把椅子背对背放两排(如地方足够,可以朝外摆成圈),音乐响起游戏者排队绕椅子走,音乐停,大家就近坐到椅子上,没有座位者被淘汰;去掉一个椅子后继续,直到最后两个人中有一个抢到椅子者为胜
道具 勺子数把(最好一次性塑料勺)、乒乓球一个
人数 分为两队,人数相等,具体不限几人
玩法 每人口咬勺柄,把乒乓球从头传到尾,再传回来,只需用勺子互传。快者胜
道具 绕口令、英语等难讲的话
人数 同上
玩法 耳语告诉每队第一个人要传的话,以耳语方式向后传。最后一个人说出来,最快最正确者为胜