How to cultivate our creativity?It's true that maybe cultivating creativity is difficult to most of the people.Many ways are for this while we can't realize them.cultivating creativity is indeed of great importance to the whole society.What can we do to acquire it?First,it calls for our working,which should be very hard or even unthinkable.This step of course will give us firm basement.Secondly,we'd better try our best to see,to watch,to oberve...everthing around in our lives,from which we can get useful messages.Yet the last one'll be hard,ater all,we should insist!We have to think deeply,and compare everthing with each other to find their characters.So,maybe we can't succeed,but to our devotion,we may learn a lot,and it's believed that we will finally creating perfectly.
The Importance of CreativityThe importance of creativity in our personal lives can't be underestimated. Creativity is a part of who we are and how we express ourselves in everyday life. How creativity impacts our relationships, careers and business strategies means that it's crucial toWhile creativity comes easily and naturally to some, creativity needs encouragement and education to foster. It requires finding the best way for those people to express and implement their creative ideas. Fine-tuning the ability to take the imagination one-step further and produce a tangible item or viable process, solution or procedure is the result of creativity.The importance of c......余下全文>>
Why we should pay attention to the creativity in each stage ?
“远古,有人把天上的九个太阳射下来了八个,只剩下,当今仅有的一个。那便是我们崇敬的,唯一的太阳。”沙哑的声音在空气中弥漫。站在满是经书的转经轮旁,那个年老的僧人,诉说着古老的故事。 “小姑娘,你心中的太阳是什么?”僧人突然问我。 “心中的太阳?” “是啊,每一个人的心里都有一个太阳。有了这个太阳,心灵就不会暗淡无光。” 太阳?我心中的太阳?当然不是天上的那个。那又是什么呢?我很迷茫。每天生活在繁忙的都市里,终于有机会来到最爱的西藏,来到很神往的大昭寺,却是遇到了这样的问题。 “心中的太阳,他给予你光明和力量;在黑暗的时候把你的道路照亮;在你失落的时候,给与你本帮助;在你伤心的时候,给予你坚强......”僧人还在诉说,或许在对我说,更或许在对自己说。他的低语,以及眼神中同样的迷茫。我走出了这个寺庙,见到了阳光。 来西藏之前,我和星都在赌气,为了一个可笑的理由。她在离开时,对我说:“从小,你就爱摔跤,每次我都拉你起来,而你也都愿意。这次,我同样想帮你,而你不再愿意。”没有错,每次摔跤,她都会扶我起来。我问她为什么,她总是抬头望天,只道一字:爱。 “嘿,走了。”父亲在叫我,他总是在为我和母亲带路...
We should pay attention to knowledge or creativity