Grandma Georgina:Nothing's impossible.
Grandpa George:The kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day.Mark my words,the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat,fat,fat.
Grandpa Joe:All together,we're 381 years old.We don't wait.
Willy Wonka:Greetings to you,the lucky finder of this gold ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka.I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day.I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself showing you everything there is to see.Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat.And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination.
Grandpa George:There's plenty of money out there.They print more every day.But this ticket there's only five of them in the whole world and that's all there's ever going to be.Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money.Are you a dummy?
Charlie Bucket:No,sir.
-You ever met him? 你见过他?
-I did. 我见过
I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice. 原本以为他人很好 后来才知道他不是什么好人
He also has a funny haircut. 而且他的发型很奇怪
-I do not! 我才没有!
-Why are you here? -I don't feel so hot. -你来干嘛? -我心情不好
What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?你沮丧时怎样才能让心情变好?
-My family. 和家人在一起
What do you have against my family? 你对我家人有什么意见?
-It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of... 不只是你的家人而是想到...
They tell you what to do, what not to do... 他们成天规定你能这样不能那样...
and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere. 这样是会扼杀创意的
-Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you. 他们只是想保护你 因为他们爱你
If you don't believe me, you should ask. 不相信的话 就自己去问问
-Ask who? My father? 问谁? 问我爸?
No way. 我才不要
At least, not by myself. 至少不要我自己一个人去
-You want me to go with you? 你要我陪你去?
-Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 好主意 就这么办
ooks are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and
六:查理的巧克力工厂英文小说10句好句,要加中文翻译 50分
他们正低头看着一个可爱的谷地。谷地两旁是翠绿的草地,顺着谷底流着一条棕色的大河。河上有一道巨大的瀑布,上面是一个陡峭的悬崖,悬崖上的溶液像块大钢片那样弯曲着,随即哗哗地直泻而下,落到一个泡沫飞溅的滚烫的旋涡里。 They were look down upon a lovely valley. Valley is the green grass on both sides, along the bottom with a brown river. River there is a huge waterfall, there is a steep cliff, the cliff of the solution were bent, as large steel immediately rush rush down straight, fallen into a hot bubble splash vortex.
电梯用火箭的速度飞驰。现在它开始向上升了。它陡斜地向上直升,好像在爬一座陡峭的山。忽然之间,它像是已经来到山顶,越过了一个悬崖,一下子像石头一样落下来。The elevator with the speed of the rocket. Now it began to rise. It steep inclined upward helicopter, as if climbing a steep mountain. Suddenly, it looked like has come to the top of the mountain, over a cliff, suddenly dropped like a stone.
砖头是巧克力的,把砖头粘起来的水泥也是巧克力的,窗子是巧克力的,所有的墙和天花板也是巧克力的,还有地毯、图画、家具和床也是巧克力的,一打开浴室的水龙头,热巧克力的哗哗地流下来。Bricks are chocolate, and stick the brick cement is also chocolate, the window is chocolate, the walls and ceiling is also chocolate,, pictures, furniture and carpet and bed is also chocolate, opened the bathroom faucet, spouted flow of hot chocolate.
每次走过,他都会禁不住把脚步放得非常非常慢,高高地抬起鼻子,深深地久久吸进他周围沁人心脾的巧克力香气。Every time, he couldn't help put the footsteps very, very slow, high up the nose, around long and deeply sucked into his refreshing chocolate aromas.
他的下巴有一小把整齐的黑色尖胡子----山羊胡子。还有他的眼睛----他的眼睛亮的惊人,它们好像一直在对你闪烁不停。事实上,他满脸焕发着快活的神采。His chin with a handful of neat black pointed beard - goatee. And his eyes, his eyes bright, they seem to have been flashing for you. In fact, his fa......余下全文>>
好词: 布满皱纹 巨大 宏伟 噼噼啪啪 飘飘然 泡沫飞溅 滚烫 丑陋 黏糊糊 福星高照 唧唧喳喳 不可思议 渴望 忍不住 粉碎 悬停 安然无恙 祈祷 希望 盘旋 好句: 1、你好!你好!再说一声你好! 2、 每次走过,他都会禁不住把脚步放得非常非常慢,高高地抬起鼻子,深深地久久吸进他周围沁人心脾的巧克力香气。 3、这样,每天晚上约有半个小时,这个房间成为一个快乐的地方,全家人忘掉了饥饿和贫困。 4、砖头是巧克力的,把砖头粘起来的水泥也是巧克力的,窗子是巧克力的,所有的墙和天花板也是巧克力的,还有地毯、图画、家具和床也是巧克力的,一打开浴室的水龙头,热巧克力的哗哗地流下来。 5、他们皱缩得像李子干,皮包骨头像骷髅。 6、他们正低头看着一个可爱的谷地。谷地两旁是翠绿的草地,顺着谷底流着一条棕色的大河。河上有一道巨大的瀑布,上面是一个陡峭的悬崖,悬崖上的溶液像块大钢片那样弯曲着,随即哗哗地直泻而下,落到一个泡沫飞溅的滚烫的旋涡里。 7、电梯用火箭的速度飞驰。现在它开始向上升了。它陡斜地向上直升,好像在爬一座陡峭的山。忽然之间,它像是已经来到山顶,越过了一个悬崖,一下子像石头一样落下来。 8、小查理惊呆了,他发现他的巧克力里有一张金券,金光闪闪的金券。 9、迈克。蒂维亲眼看到一块巧克力糖能这样被电视传送,甚至比约瑟夫爷爷还要兴奋。“不过旺卡先生,”他叫道,“你能用这个办法传送别的东西吗,例如早餐的麦片?” 10、他看到这是一个窄长的房间。房间全部漆成白色,连地板也是白的,到处没有半点灰尘。 11、“快一点儿!”旺卡先生用手拍着电梯的墙壁叫道,“快一点儿!快一点儿!如果不开得快一点儿,我们就冲不出去了!”
九:查理和巧克力工厂 经典台词
Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket!
[Mike has just found a Golden Ticket]
TV Reporter: So tell us, what did it taste like?
Mike Teavee: I don't know, I hate chocolate!
Willy Wonka: Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy!
Grandma Georgina: Nothing's impossible, Charlie.
Willy Wonka: Little boy, don't push my button.
Dr. Wonka: Lollipops. Ought to be called cavities on a stick!
Dr. Wonka: Do you have an appointment?
Charlie Bucket: No, but he's overdue鼎