

高中老师基本全程英语,good bye再见······

一般初中老师上课都用中文讲:Class over下课上课、good morning/,一般是这样;afternoon/晚上好······

下课;下午/evening早上/:Class begins上课


fine!, NO PHOTOS. etc;if…. See you then. Go down this street. Yes. I’ll take it, I’m afraid. Please wait for your turn; evening; He is…etc, thank you. It’s very kink/, INSTRUCTIONS, take this/. Thank you/! ….)

(18)问路和应答 Asking the way and responses(包括Excuse me, OPEN, She/, NO PARKING, but…! See you later/. Take care. I’ve got a pain here.)

(10) 邀请和应答 Invitations and responses (包括Will you come to… Would you like to… Yes. Turn right/ Bye. (包括Hello, please, NO SMOKING. That’s all right;Certainly, I won’t be free then. How much is it That’s too much/. That’s very kind of you. Me, dear, or you…. Let me have… kilo/, please. Sorry; Glad to meet you)

(2) 介绍 Introductions (包括 This is…; OK. Thank you. Just a little; nice of you, etc, but…)

(12) 请求允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses {包括May I … Can/.)

(15)喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes (包括I like/She’s worried;well soon;great. You need to…;happy to….)

(21)劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions(包括You’d better…. I don’t like / second crossing, please, isn’t it)

(17)购物 Shopping(包括What can I do for you May/ windy/ hope to…)

(8) 道歉和应答 Apologies and responses (包括I’m sorry. You’d better not}

(13) 表示同意和不同意 Expressing agreement and disagreement (包括Certainly/. Thanks for the message. I feel terrible / Hi, MENU. I like/. Goodbye. Would you like some more… Help yourself to some…; much do you want Do you have any other kind size colour, ON;message to… …asked me to give you this note; Would you pleas......余下全文>>


网上找的,希望对你有所帮助,这些应该都是很简单很基本的。 祝你好运! 在英语课上,老师的很多指令或要求都是用英语说的,一定要想办法逐渐适应哦

