出于对美食的热爱,我观看了《美食总动员》,本以为故事的主人公是那个小男孩,是围绕他如何从一个学徒成长为法菜大厨而展开的,没想到真正的主人公却是只小老鼠雷米,对于美食的热爱使雷米最后成为真正的大厨一点也不为过,一只老鼠尚且能做到更何况是人呢,无论是谁,最重要的还是应该抱着一颗创造美食、品位美食的心,才能做出真正的美食。 做任何事情,你只要抱着一颗不放弃,不泄气的心就一定能达成,就如同电影里的台词“人人都能当大厨”说的道理是一样的,蕴含着深刻的人生道理,都得到了自己满意的结局,这正是影片要传达的精神,人人都可以做到你想要做的事情,只要你坚持不懈,努力奋斗,哪怕你没有那么高的天赋,但只要热衷于某项事业并且去钻研,学习就一定会获得成功。 看完之后收益颇多,不仅仅是作为一部动画片在观赏,更多的我认为是一部励志片,教我在人生的道路上要不放弃,不妥协,不气馁,朝着自己的目标前行,只要想做,人人都能做到!
三:料理鼠王 观后感 英语
A lot of animated movies have inspired sequels, notably "Shrek," but Brad Bird's "Ratatouille" is the first one that made me positively desire one. Remy, the earnest little rat who is its hero, is such a lovable, determined, gifted rodent that I want to know happens to him next, now that he has conquered the summit of French cuisine. I think running for office might not be beyond his reach, and there's certainly something de Gaullean about his snout.
Remy is a member of a large family of rats (a horde, I think, is the word) who ply the trash cans and sewers of a Parisian suburb, just like good rats should. "Eat your garbage!" commands Remy's father, Django, obviously a loving parent. The rats are evicted from their cozy home in a cottage-kitchen ceiling in a scene that will have rat-haters in the audience cringing (and who among us will claim they don't hate rats more than a little?), and they are swept through the sewers in a torrential flood.
Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) has always been blessed, or cursed, with a refined palate and a sensitive nose, and now he starts skulking around the kitchen of Gusteau, his culinary hero (voice of Brad Garrett).
Linguini and Remy meet, somehow establish trust and communication, and when Linguini gets credit for a soup that the rat has saved with strategic seasonings, they team up.
All of this begins as a dubious premise and ends as a triumph of animation, comedy, imagination and, yes, h......余下全文>>