马什等人关于"大鱼小池塘效应(Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect)"的教育学研究,丁样可以运用在企业组织中.但在企业组织中也同时存在作用方向相反的两种效应--"标签效应"和"同伴效应",显示出BFLPE理论在企业组织领域虽具有很强的应用价值,但其解释力有待进一步的科学验证.
二:little-fish-big-pond effect是什么? 10分
三:big-fish-little-pond effect is a term introduced by herbert w.marsh,which considers that the
我试着翻译下:“小池塘里的大鱼”(“矮子里的巨人”)效应是herbert w.marsh引用的一个术语,他认为学生的自我概念(意识)和他们在校的同龄人的能力是负相关的。以下是维基百科的原文:Big-fish–little-pond effect (BFLPE) is a term introduced by Herbert W. Marsh, and popularized by Matthew Gardner and Malcolm Gladwell in his bestselling book David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants. BFLPE hypothesizes that the self-concept of students is negatively correlated with the ability of their peers in school: Thus, academic self-concepts depend not only on one's academic accomplishments but also the accomplishments of those in the school that a student attends.
An implication of this effect is that low- or medium-ability students might prefer to attend a low-ability school instead of a high-ability school, as this would be better for their self-concept. These pupils can receive additional motivation from low- or medium-ability pupils in their class because their own achievements appear more significant. They feel more honored and may be motivated to keep their edge over the other pupils. This is especially true for pupils with a lack of self-confidence. Some parents send their children, with the explicit recommendation of psychologists, to schools that are known for a moderate level of proficiency.
An opposite effect is the reflected glory effect (or assimilation effect), which describes the stimulation a pupil may receive from a school with a high level of proficiency.